Super Freak
No luck for me, I update my adobe flash player, still not working.
Great opener!
I kinda wish they would pull a Inglorious Bastards and be in an alternate universe.
Still watching and I still love this show!
Walking Dead is boring the hell out of me to be honest. Pretty much everything since season 1 has. Loving every bit of Spartacus this season though, and Liam is really growing on me. Still, I get chills at the thought of seeing Andy Whitfield playing Spartacus this far into the series.
This show really unleashes that primal, bestial, man-rage, you know?
So far this season of TVD has been a letdown for me. Season 3 was much better IMO.
I'm actually enjoying Arrow more than both TWD and TVD as of now. You should check it out if you haven't already, a-dev. Manu Bennett is in it.
I watched all of S1, Gods of the Arena and S2 back-to-back and never liked Liam as Spartacus. It's only now that he's starting to grow on me. He just feels too generic. Andy on the other hand is Spartacus IMO. His acting had more character. More depth and emotion.