Specific Collector for the Specific new theater project...... & then some!

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Jan 5, 2018
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Hi my names Michael,

I’ve been lurking on this forum for a long time. I currently live in Alaska and am moving to Washington State in a few Months......

I’m huge into films and movies and own thousands of Titles to include a 180” screen in my current home theater. The wife has approved my construction Plans to increase the theater size from a 16:9 ratio to a 2:39:1 ratio, Still giving me a screen over 6 feet tall but the goal is 9ft. Tall x 21 ft. Wide! What’s this have to do with collecting...

It Started with Sideshows release of Voltron. My wife bought it for me and wants it build into the back wall of the theater.. I agreed! Meanwhile I was collecting other Voltron, Transformer, Airwolf, and other 80’s goodies.. The plan is to line the left and right side walls of the theater with Statues (in the walls with Glass) and I chose the Transformers.... Since Prime 1 Studios has really upped the game eventually having 10 (minimum) on each side is easily achievable.... Even now I’m contemplating one long 40” tall piece of Glass by 16 foot long as it appears P1 Studios wont be slowing down for the next 3-5 years.. So Instead of individual spots, I can add more Bots with a long placement of both sides (options)....

This forum is like most (forums) where you can find good People. My Ebay user name is Waszak1977, I also have a Forum account in the same name for RZRForums.net and Blu-ray.com forums.. Over 16+ years of perfect transactions and no issues (OK, 1 return on Ebay in 16 years). I’ve already had success buying 3 statues on this forum (2 still on the way)... I love model work and buying Statues and breaking them down to build completely new Transformers! I guess I’ll be unloading Statues and collectibles here to eventually...

Since Sideshow will be going in for the long haul with P1 Studios its time I dive in for the long haul here too! Good People, Good subjects, and maybe you guys/gals will get me to cross the line and collect a more diverse portfolio of collectibles!

I’m retired U.S.. Army. My Career took an end due to an explosion during a firefight. I consider myself and my life Blessed! Nice to meet you all and GodSpeed!,

My collection grew hand in hand with my home theater as well. I made the switch to a 2:39:1 screen as well, 10 feet wide worked for my space. I thought of doing exactly the same thing building my display into my theater. The problem with doing that is that glass is a very reflective surface and is not ideal for audio, but if the trade off in sound for looks is worth it to you go for it. I actually have my PAX display cabinets creating a false wall on one side of my theater. They divide my basement into two rooms basically, with the theater on one side and my display room on the other. I have black velvet hanging in front of the back of the display case which hides all the lighting wires.

Anyways...welcome to the forum! Good luck on your project!
My collection grew hand in hand with my home theater as well. I made the switch to a 2:39:1 screen as well, 10 feet wide worked for my space. I thought of doing exactly the same thing building my display into my theater. The problem with doing that is that glass is a very reflective surface and is not ideal for audio, but if the trade off in sound for looks is worth it to you go for it. I actually have my PAX display cabinets creating a false wall on one side of my theater. They divide my basement into two rooms basically, with the theater on one side and my display room on the other. I have black velvet hanging in front of the back of the display case which hides all the lighting wires.

Anyways...welcome to the forum! Good luck on your project!

Thank you! All for the welcome and a very special TY to Patriot666.. For some reason I never took the glass into account on my new theater design.. I’m a stickler for acoustics and fall nothing short of being called an audiophile & videophile by my rather limited group of friends.... Limited in the definition that I believe the word “Friend/s” is way overused.. “Oh I have 192 Facebook Friends“?? Yeah.. OK. LOL,

So yes you’re correct the Glass effecting sound is one issue that could be easily fixed, but the glare is a deal breaker! Anyone who owns a projector knows the effect of ambient light and some reflections can intensify through reflection. Ambient Light is OK, but as you go beyond the 150-180” screen size, light effects picture more.... I’ll have to ponder this one.. My wife mentioned automatic curtains (like the Black ones that will be on the Left & Right of the screen that will automatically slide in when Switching from the (80%+) films at 2.35:1 to 2.40:1 down to the newish “TV” sized ratio of 16.9 or even the older ration 1.33 (old school TV). Basically I’m switching from the Black Bars on the Top & Bottom of your screen that wastes 25% of the projectors power and resolution to project nothing but black to CIH (Constant Image Height). No more black bars period!

The glass and sound can be overcome with dampeners, manipulation angles and of course matching the glass to house statues on both sides...

Maybe working in Sound absorbing angle bars laterally (vertical) down the wall that protrudes 6-8” thats coated with light absorbing fibers could help with the initial “bounce back” reflection as well as going with a more silver screen and staying away from white high gain (1.0+) will help, but....

Now you have intrigued me with finding a solution to this problem. Non-the-less I will. Even if I need to build the Statues room as an entrance? Oddly I have like 30+ plans for building my theater and probably every picture someone has posted online of their theaters and even spent time in theater forums, this is the first issue I have found an issue! LOL, Almost hilarious. Spending countless hours on design, wiring, floating elevated stands for seating and Buttkicker Tranducers. I’ve even worked on airflow, entrance/exit without outside light interrupting.. Every detail, but didn’t think about the Glass reflecting itself! Good catch!

No problem my friend. I use a Lumagen Mini 3D video processor for CIH. It works great at stretching out a 16:9 picture to fill a 2:35 screen without making things looked squished. I also use it to zoom on 2:35 movies to fill my screen, then the black bars are projected outside of the screen. This means you can just have a 2:35 screen and not worry about masking your screen. I've found the Lumagen to be a fantastic addition to the theater for CIH, and much cheaper than buying a high end projector with automatic zoom functions. Oh I also highly recommend using black velvet for light absortion. Especially around the screen and the first few feet of the ceiling in front of the screen. It helps with light reflections back down on your screen that will wash out the picture and reduce your black levels. Just a couple tips. :)

I started about 15 years ago with the Panasonic 700 series? Think it was 720p (new at the time), then if I went to the Panasonic AE7000u for full HD 3d....

The last few years Ive been planning on the Epson 6040ub (P-Centrals 2016? Editors choice) I liked the “almost 4k”, but great dual chip up conversion to ‘basically’ 4k... Now its a toss between the new Epson and the Sony VPLs..

I like to make it through 20,000 hours between upgrades. Actually one of my best projectors for the least $ was the BenQ W1070 series... I actually made 13,400 hours on the 1st bulb, 180 hours on the 2nd :(, and currently I think my son has it at almost 800 hours on the 3rd Bulb... Its a little 1080p workhorse that has VERY inexpensive bulbs, gets left on 24/7, and was great to pass down after my last Pany had issues...

Price is always a factor on ones theater, I run two projectors at home. 1 in the theater and one in the living room, due to a brain injury form a firefight in Iraq Ive really had a hard time looking at screens smaller than 100”, just LOTS of headaches. No more 3d either :(. However between, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime (Video) Youtube Red, I have no need for cable. Plus anyone who owns a theater (that Ive met) tends to collect a lot of films (especially me).

Lots of interesting developments with projector and screen technology. Some really cool videos on black screens with beautiful contrast, but the cost is screen size as you need a load of Lumens, and well.. You know. Just reading what you wrote tells me you know the deal!

Thanks for the info, and yup, Have the light absorbing bar to catch the reflected light on the ceiling...

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