Super Freak
I'm hoping we see a Jabba cameo too! But instead of Fett, why not Greedo. Seems like they have some history before they run in to each other in Mos Eisley.
Probably why they needed those extra reshoots.
I'm hoping we see a Jabba cameo too! But instead of Fett, why not Greedo. Seems like they have some history before they run in to each other in Mos Eisley.
I look forward to it. I hope they go with the Jedi style Jabba and don't use the SE as a guide to what he may look like yet 10 years younger. Jabba needs to be obese and vile.
I don’t know how much this will affect the final product, but here’s another piece of interesting news. I’ll take it as a positive!
Isn’t that the “range Trooper”? They leaked a pic of him in lego form, I believe
still very early to talk about film quality...but yes those designs revealed so far really capture SW vibe, similar to the latest RO
I was thinking that this new Han Solo movie has the potential for some seriously cool aliens. When you think of the dodgy places that Han and Chewie would be hanging out in.
We've got to get some cool alien 1/6 figures from Hot Toys. Who knows, maybe they will re-use some of the characters from Rogue One. Like Moroff etc as background characters ? Would make sense.
Also considering the main character group is relatively small. Han, Lando, Chewie and Woody Harrelson character potentially means some aliens might get a shot from Hot Toys this time.
Wondering people's thoughts on this and main picks for Star Wars aliens they'd like to see.
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Love to see MANY aliens but it's taken SS frickin years to complete the BH's, the fact the Cantina aliens line soon dried up and HT's + SS lack of love for RO's aliens I doubt we'll get much past the main five (or so) characters, a droid, the big baddy and a shed load of troopers.
Your idea of re-using Aliens from RO in Solo would be awesome if they've done that but I just doubt it will or has happened unfortunately.
Sideshow needs to step in and capture the filler characters. Introduce a budget line (~$150-~$175) of characters like aliens and droids. This is stuff HT won't touch, but collectors want. It'll cater to SS's strengths too.