Super Freak
Tonight has to be the night....
Or wait, maybe its time for a new Black Panther. Yeah, definitely a new Black Panther.
War Machine, lol
Tonight has to be the night....
Or wait, maybe its time for a new Black Panther. Yeah, definitely a new Black Panther.
I totally disagree with this. Art covers vast subjects and can absolutely be political. Limiting the definition of art is what authoritarian governments do to stifle free speech. That is all I'll say on this subject, as this thread is wildly off-topic at this point.
You can have any view you want, it’s a free world. But I’ll take the opinions of such great free thinkers and anti authoritarian types like Campbell, Goethe, Jung, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Da Vinci, even Einstein etc over yours. All did their part to make the world a better place. You also seem to misunderstand the quote because it’s applying itself to ‘true art,’ the type that will last generations and always be ‘in vogue.’ Anything with an agenda that only lines up with selling an idea in current times will become dated (like all so called ‘modern art’ will be, and you can already see this with older generations of ‘modern’ art, or political art as you said), but instead you chose to go the strawman route and compare something else entirely.
Further, I like how you pick and choose and play up the angle you’re coming from, and omit the opposite fact that authorititarian governments are historically more involved in agendas and propaganda than destroying art. Not to mention the fact that agendas/propaganda are what keep people in check more than stifling free speech, as it’s easier to control others when they think it’s their own ideas they’re following. All the greatest evils in the world have been done under such influences.
But this is extremely off topic, at least what everyone else was talking about was related to Solo, even my Campbell quote as he was heavily involved with Lucas’ ideas for Star Wars.
As for what they’re going to reveal.... nothing related to Solo
Keep that infinity war train chugging!
Don’t hang yourself in quotes - even from the strongest thinkers. That’s exactly what those free thinkers didn’t. Even they said a lot of things that don’t hold true. And saying “an agenda that only lines up with selling an idea” is not by any means what is happening here.
I’m just gonna mention one piece of art that is very political and time specific and will be considered true art probably as long as humanity exists. Picasso’s Guernica. And this is one of many many many pieces of art that are created and motivated by political views and historical clashes. Look back and you will see - and even if you do not consider those pieces great art, then well, most of the world does.
Well let’s take a look at Guernica:
View attachment 410116
It’s politically inspired sure, but if any one person just saw it and didnt know what it was about - would they know it’s his reaction to the doings of the Nazis?
For example, Lucas always said the Vietcong inspired the ewoks, the little guys goin up against the big empire. But when you watch SW, is that what you think about? Would anyone know?
No. They are inspirations for the artist, and they are the artists subjective expression of their reaction to that inspiration, like Guernica, or SW is. The works themselves are not purely political to sell an agenda, by overtaking a different platform to sell your own views. That’s the difference. That’s what separates inspired art to ‘art’ that overtly beats you over the head with what it means. And in this particular case they’re just using an established platform to peddle what they want. This cannot even be denied because from all accounts the movie itself actually has nothing to indicate Lando is pansexual, and so it’s not even part of the art and *purely* an agenda through and through.
Imagine if whoever owned Guernica now, said ‘by the way, the guy on the right is so and so.’ And then told you to just get it with it coz that’s how it is now. Said guy should create his own masterpiece that incorporates his views.
I think you’re seeing ghosts and I think you’re over thinking quotes. Who knows what Picasso said about Guernica at the time when someone asked him a specific question? Is it important? Who knows what his assistant or wife said? Watch the movie and see if you think it’s purely a propaganda movie for liberal thinking and diversity. I don’t think that’s what you’ll see.
Well since you’re going off on another tangent and not answering anything I actually countered (in fact, you’re even reiterating what I said being correct by saying it’s not in the movie and they’re just piggybacking, clearly making it an agenda) let’s go with something we do know.
Lucas has repeatedly said SW is aimed primarily ‘at kids.’ Even in RotS, with Padme’s pregnancy, sex isn’t even hinted at. It was a choice he made for the universe as a whole. Now they’re going whole hog with a franchise aimed at children. Keep it in ST, in BSG, in GOTG, but don’t take the franchise that was most aimed at kids and went out of its way to avoid this particular field and use it as your mouthpiece. That’s what people don’t like. It’s not that anyone actually has a problem with pansexuals in real life.
I think you’re seeing ghosts and I think you’re over thinking quotes. Who knows what Picasso said about Guernica at the time when someone asked him a specific question? Is it important? Who knows what his assistant or wife said? Watch the movie and see if you think it’s purely a propaganda movie for liberal thinking and diversity. I don’t think that’s what you’ll see. It’s gonna be an action movie that happens to have a more diverse cast. I don’t think you should be so upset about that.
Wow. Nothing. Speaks volumes.