Spider-Man Far From Home (2019)

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Why do people hold SM2 in such high esteem? That is the ultimate Spiderman movie? Why?

It was for it’s time a perfect follow up and raised the stakes and drama. The desperation of the train fight and the ending setting up for what was to come was just amazing back then.
Yea, that's mostly my problem with the MCU Spiderman films. They've changed too much of the iconic lore for it to really feel like Spiderman.

A lot of people claim that they are just playing the long game and Holland will eventually turn into classic Peter Parker. Well its been 3 years and 4 movies since Civil War and he's still in highschool, and there's been zero sign of the MCU lore moving any closer to the classic Spiderman world we all know and love. In fact FFH seems to only be doubling down on these changes. And with Holland already in his mid-20s, its unlikely he'll grow too much physically either.

That’s what hold this Spider-Man from being the best imo. His character base is some of the best ever and it’s completely trashed now. Even asm got that right. Love mcu spidey but not a fan of the changes. Tobey Spider-Man was far from the perfect Spider-Man but damn were those first two movies great for that time period. Mcu spidey is good but I feel like he has to many ties to stark and he’s way to damn naive.
I loved how Spider-Man was kinda a smart ass to the rest of the heroes. He looked up to some of them but he knew he could do what they could do but better.
That’s what hold this Spider-Man from being the best imo. His character base is some of the best ever and it’s completely trashed now. Even asm got that right. Love mcu spidey but not a fan of the changes. Tobey Spider-Man was far from the perfect Spider-Man but damn were those first two movies great for that time period. Mcu spidey is good but I feel like he has to many ties to stark and he’s way to damn naive.
I loved how Spider-Man was kinda a smart ass to the rest of the heroes. He looked up to some of them but he knew he could do what they could do but better.
Exactly. Its also very hard not to compare it to the current video game series; which changes just enough to feel like a fresh take on the character and world but keeps enough of the classic elements to feel familiar.
MILD SPOILERS : really not much to spoil. I hate to rain on the parade but Wow this was painfully average. Basically follows the outline for every other Spider-Man movie (Spider-Man befriends someone with too much technological power while trying to balance his goofy social life) except this time the stakes barely even seem to exist. It seemed like a very basic cartoon episode with mysterio (we all know what the plot will turn out to be ) stretched out to two hours. Not a single surprise ! We get two very cool very short mysterio vs Spider-Man scenes before it turns into jake gyylenhall vs Spider-Man. He wasn’t a very menacing villain nor did he have much to do besides act crazy for a few minutes. I honestly was expecting one more action scene where mysterio let’s loose but then the movie ended. I don’t understand why Spider-Man has to be far from home. The whole plot is so small it could have happened in New York and not even effect anything. And Spider-Man as a character is just going back and forth in terms of development. Your going to be an avenger ! No I’m just neighborhood Spider-Man. I’m going to be and avenger ! No I just want to be neighborhood Spider-Man ! Blah blah blah. The high school kid stuff was cute and fun, but my god the mj and Spider-Man stuff we’ve seen it played out 100 times. Some of the action was fun but really in retrospect did we really see Spider-Man do anything that cool ?( Spider-Man vs drones is just not the movie I want to watch, and that’s basically all it was). And the glasses subplot??? What a snooze fest, if you didn’t know exAclty where that was going from the second the glasses showed up, geez. As for the end credit scenes. The first one okay whatever, this is where the movie was headed any way (his secret identity was pretty much a joke at this point and does any marvel hero have a secret identity ?) BUT at least it gave mysterio some sort of lasting effect. But really , it was basically the end of the movie cut out and put mid credits wtf. As for the secret cameo and character, hmm okay ? It just seemed odd, he looks very much older, different hair, and he had like no charisma. I don’t think I even understood the joke he told. It was more like woah that’s weird why is he in this movie. I enjoyed the different suits and the web slinging was great in 3D. There was just not enough meat in the sand which ( maybe even worse so than homecoming, which I thought was bare bones) The two stand out mysterio fight scenes were great for what they were. This is mid tier Spider-Man movie stuff.

1. Spider-Man 2
2. Spider-Man 1
3. Spider-Verse
4. Homecoming
5. Far from home
6. Spider-Man 3
7. Amazing Spider-Man 2
8. Amazing Spider-Man

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I wonder if that group of scientists that were helping Mysterio will end up becoming A.I.M. and they'll turn that guy that played Ralphie in A Christmas Story into MODOK.
I agree that Far From Home is a lotta fun, but pretty average. It does have some real standout moments where we see Parker growing into his powers or callbacks to '60s Spidey, but I have some gripes.

I get that in Civil War the good guys were scrapping but no one wanted to actually take him out, but he still seemed more competent in that outing than he did a few times in both of his subsequent solo outings.

By the end of this film we see that he now has some maturity and some of the classic Parker problems we're familiar with, but it remains to be seen how the MCU will handle it.

I think they can develop this character further but they'll need to commit and drop the "Oh golly gee whiz!" teenager act. He may be young but by this point he's seen combat in major conflicts and seen people die in battle.

I have to accept that this is a very different Parker though -- remains very connected to Stark with the advantages that brings, his 'secret' identity following the broader MCU style in that it's not really so secret. The end of FFH will have consequences for him, but having them last beyond one film seems unlikely.

Considering they screwed up Hulk they may yet make major mistakes with this character. Time will tell.
Tobey Spiderman is the best.

I wonder if that group of scientists that were helping Mysterio will end up becoming A.I.M. and they'll turn that guy that played Ralphie in A Christmas Story into MODOK.

I was the only one in our group (6) that caught that was him.


I thought it was good. Mysterio was pulled off well. It worked in the modern world.

The mid-credit was awesome :)
While I enjoyed this movie, I agree with the criticism that nothing here was too innovative or surprising. And it's a typical Marvel Studios movie in terms of overall quality. In my mind it does get an extra bump just for being a Spidey movie, though.

I also love Spiderman 2, and still think it's one of the best structured superhero movies ever. But I think these newer films do a better job of getting parker and spidey right.

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I saw this twice last night and really loved every second of it. I'm disappointed that the IMAX showing wasn't in 3D. I'm not a huge fan of 3D, but with Mysterio and Spidey flying all over the place, this film could've showcased the medium quite nicely.
I think the movie serves well as an epilogue to Endgame and also a start as to what is coming next. I know some are considering their MCU experience finished (I can't even begin to understand that line of thinking), but I'll be along for the ride as long as they continue to put out good entertaining films that weave this story together. After 23 films, I'm beyond invested in this universe and can't wait to see where it goes next.
Holy crap I had no idea that scientist from IM1/FFH was Ralphie!

Anyways I will say this Mysterio’s illusions were really well done like really really well done if they ever do Scarecrow in Batman again they got their work cut out for them.

It was certainly better than anything in the Dr. Strange movie.

Mysterio’s human costume was literally his motion capture suit while making the movie that’s a first it’s no joke how much Marvel keeps breaking ground.

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Anyways I will say this Mysterio’s illusions were really well done like really really well done if they ever do Scarecrow in Batman again they got their work cut out for them.

It was certainly better than anything in the Dr. Strange movie.

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The illusions surprised and impressed me. They were actually threatening and had that very bad trip vibe.

And when Undead Tony showed up I was all "Oh SNAP! He went there!" :horror
If I’m not mistaken both mid-credit scenes in the two Holland movies ended with “WHAT THE ...” (cut)

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I agree that Far From Home is a lotta fun, but pretty average. It does have some real standout moments where we see Parker growing into his powers or callbacks to '60s Spidey, but I have some gripes.

I get that in Civil War the good guys were scrapping but no one wanted to actually take him out, but he still seemed more competent in that outing than he did a few times in both of his subsequent solo outings.

By the end of this film we see that he now has some maturity and some of the classic Parker problems we're familiar with, but it remains to be seen how the MCU will handle it.

I think they can develop this character further but they'll need to commit and drop the "Oh golly gee whiz!" teenager act. He may be young but by this point he's seen combat in major conflicts and seen people die in battle.

I have to accept that this is a very different Parker though -- remains very connected to Stark with the advantages that brings, his 'secret' identity following the broader MCU style in that it's not really so secret. The end of FFH will have consequences for him, but having them last beyond one film seems unlikely.

Considering they screwed up Hulk they may yet make major mistakes with this character. Time will tell.

Never been a huge Spidey fan so didn't have an intense interest - but my bro and the rest of the audience seemed really into it. Overall there was some stuff I really liked; other stuff re IM I thought was either re-hash or way too heavy handed tryin' to establish those connections. Overall reaction for me is it's alright. Chaotic in parts; almost felt to me like filler at one point. For me, didn't think it made that great use of JG - whether that was the script or narrative, not sure. Found myself missing Keaton's Vulture A LOT. I'd say I like Homecoming better. Some really funny moments. Again pretty sure I was the minority 'coz the audience seemed pretty happy.:dunno

But it's fine - then again, I've never been a huge Spidey fan even if the rest of the world is:google. Holland seems very good with whatever he was given to work with. Took home my Drafthouse swag anyway.:cool:
This sounds like a mediocre Marvel movie. The shape of things to come.

As has been said, without the direction of "the 10 year plan" these things all start to blend and meander and feel unimportant.