I am not defending the movie, I am curious why some people really disliked ASM to see if they have some valid points.
Andrew Garfield was nerd. I mean just look at his attitude, his wardrobe, his social skills. That dude is a loser. And he isn't THAT good looking, maybe compared to Tobi but he looks like a sack of potatoes... This movie came out in 2012, not 1980. Times have changed. Tom isn't a nerd, he is just your average high schooler. A kid. Nothing more nothing less. MCU Spidey also goes to prom with that high school girl, who was so good looking that both Peter and Ned were staring at her. The whole point of him being careless and confident is deliberate. He is a bullied out cast (loser/nerd) who suddenly gets powers, see it as the loser becoming the bully. Just because he has the suit on, doesn't mean he is Spider-Man. Just like you and me aren't Spider-Man because we put the suit on. The moment when he saved the kid from the bridge, and brings the kid back to his dad, he finally understood what it means to be Spidey.
If you didn't enjoy this Peter, you can't really blame Andrew, dude's acting was top notch through the 2 movies.
This is a more realistic take on Peter which I enjoyed. And the bad luck is in my opinion a weak statement. Parents died. Uncle died. Loses dad's friend. Girlfriend's father dies. Losing best friend. Losing girlfriend. That's pretty unlucky to me. Agreed with the parent parts of the story being boring. But thats why they gave Peter closure in ASM2 about his father.
Isn't Marvel dropping 2-3 movies every year? And you enjoyed those? I don't understand how ASM is corporate but MCU Spidey is not. I liked that they tried to built a Spidey verse. He is so popular because he has so many good villains. If someone wanted to make a universe centered around 1 character comic book character, Spidey would be the best one no?
Gwen's death was done great. Subtle web turning to a webhand, then she ****ing smashed her head on the concrete... Great acting from Andrew afterwards.
It almost looks to me your hatred blinds your judgement for these movies.
And about the swinging scenes, please give some examples of which one is better than this one. This scene to me screams Spider-Man.
O boy I’m bout to end this whole mans career.
How the **** is Andrew a nerd? He’s a skateboard punk who doesn’t talk in class, gets the hottest girl in school and is bullied maybe twice ,he loses his uncle whine he forgets about to pursue his dead parents. Btw uncle ben’s death had no weight to it.
How rushed was that . Dude gets shot , Peter looks at a piece of paper then storms out to find anybody that looks like him but never finds him. Awful writing. Mcu peter goes to a nerdy school, talks science and went to homecoming not the prom, he lost the girl by the end of the movie cause he had to take down her dad who was the villain classic Spider-Man.
On the subject of Gwen’s dad. That’s his fault she’s dead. What a smug prick thing to do. Her dad said please don’t get her involved but dude does it anyway and it got her killed. It wasn’t cleverness at all he cane off as s dude who didn’t want to grant a dying man his wish. He just said **** it I need to get laid.
On the subject of corporate bs in those movies. Marvel drops 3 movies a yr that were PLANNED prior to the release. Asm2 was just throwing **** at a wall to see what sticks. You can’t tell me that that movie was thought off yrs later.
Also it’s stupid to make a universe of villains that revolve around one character. Cause if he’s not in it what’s the point. Venom got away with it but barely. He worked on his own before. What about scorpion ,rhino and kraven? You wanted to see a movie with aunt May, a movie with black cat with none of that classic romance with Spider-Man? Ok.
You actually thought those end credits teasing the sinister six was done well? It was On par with Wonder Woman looking at a computer at the JL around the world. No build up. Just half ass rushing to make a universe that won’t work.
Gwen’s death was great? So you liked half assed Harry goblin fight and that cheat slow motion effect at the end ? Really? Spider-Man 1 had a better Gwen Stacy death scene with Mary Jane and she didn’t die.
I don’t blame Andrew. I blame the writing. Dude knew the movies sucked so he left. He knew they were soulless cash grabs just to hang onto the rights.
Please don’t give me that “ but marvel is just as bad”
Sony literally tried to follow the marvel formula. It takes planning and patience. Sony wanted that universe.
Mcu Spider-Man is far from perfect but I’ll take him over Andrew anyday. Dude portrayed a horrible , cocky peter Parker.
Watch the opening scene. He’s cracking jokes while a truck is ramming through people and shooting wildly. That ain’t Spider-Man buddy.
Tim Holland May be reliant on stark but he has that “ in over his head angle “ that makes the character great and he feels genuine and heroic even tho things work out bad for him.
Also what? Look at the raimi film swinging and the Webb film swinging back to back. Spider-Man in the raimi films is an acrobat in mid air and feels majestic but strong and intense.
Look at the doc ock fight and look at the electro fight. Come on you really think that slow swinging is Spider-Man? It’s boring. Absolutely uninspired.
Blind hatred? No. I just don’t swallow everything with a Spider-Man logo on it and I’m tired of Sony’s bull ****. YOU can like those movies but to me they are soulless garbage that wanted to keep the rights instead of telling a decent story. They wanted to milk the cow dry instead of crafting good and interesting plot points and build up the sinister six. How the **** do u have Harry goblin before Norman? What?
Andrew knew what this was so he backed out and never looked back. Good for him. He was a fan of the character and didn’t want to see it reduced to some soulless corporate cash grab just to play keep away from marvel.
Can’t sit there and tell me these characters were portrayed well. Curt conners is a Jekyll and Hyde character but that was completely thrown out the window. Electro was freeze 2.0 with his dub step and rhino was a damn transformer. Come on son