I think he's the best live action Peter Parker, but I'm not a fan of his Spidey. He's very small and the suit doesn't do him any favors. I don't like the MCU suits either, and while the films are ok, he just feels like a small fish in a big pound. His solo films aren't even memorable either.
I think if you ask most people who their favorite live action Spiderman is, Tobey and the Raimi films would win.
I still think Spiderman 2 is the best live action Spiderman film, easily the most memorable and has the coolest Spiderman suit.
Holland is in Tony's shadow and will be forever be in his shadow in the MCU. Everything about him is tied to Tony somehow. His best moment in the MCU is still his role in Civil War. Second by the "I don't feel so good" death, all which feature, you guess it, Tony Stark. Iron Man even outshines Spidey in the witty remark department in every scene.