They should just rename it to 12 days of Marvel.
Which I don't have a problem with, as for me Prime 1 has been taking most of my DC love, whereas for Marvel it's pretty much across the board (as I don't collect XM - yet)
They should just rename it to 12 days of Marvel.
Which I don't have a problem with, as for me Prime 1 has been taking most of my DC love, whereas for Marvel it's pretty much across the board (as I don't collect XM - yet)
Be careful with XM - and I mean that in a good way. It's a slippery slope, once you start with just one. It's really impressive with what they're doing.
Truthfully I doubt I'll ever get an XM piece. As I've currently got 9 Prime 1 1/3 statues on preorder. With an expectation of ordering another 2-3 pieces. Past that I'll be rotating statues in and out of my collection.
****. Yeah, you ought to be set after that. That's going to leave a killer 'footprint'. Sounds awesome though.
I'm assuming mostly DC?
All DC!!!
And I've always been a bigger Marvel than DC fan over the years
Not sure if you have the Arkham Mr. Freeze on PO, but man, that thing is amazing looking.
Nope, don't have the Freeze on order, but I do agree that it looks amazing.
Currently have 5 Justice League pieces (will be 6), WW Training, Jokers (will cancel 1), and Catwoman
I hope there is no ugly neck seam because of a switch out head.
The webbing would hide it.
Assuming it's cloth/mixed media?
Or do you mean in terms of the web design distracting from the neck seam?
The webbing would hide it.
This has so much potential I really hope they nail it.