So I finished 2002 Spider-Man, surprised how little I remembered. Overall I loved it all over again, but a couple of things stand out:
1. Heavy product placement. Be like Green Goblin and drink Maker's!
2. MJ isn't exactly
loyal as far as girlfriends go, is she?

3. Peter Parker was 100% trying to snake her from his friend the whole time. Really Pete? Dick move.
4. What's up with Goblin's DISINTEGRATION tech?!

(I had the same reaction in the theatre in 2002 and forgot about until now)
5. The blood droplet in the apartment scene was laughably bad -- did Make-Up run out of the good stuff and sub in ketchup?
6. MJ looks awfully hard done by when Norman's saying mean things about her to Harry but she's already been off kissing strange dudes in spandex. I guess she's okay to cheat but draws the line at gold-digging.

7. The camera work is nuts. Puts MCU Spidey to shame.
8. That first talk between the Goblin and Spidey was really entertaining.
9. Good GOD that's NICKELBACK.
I know that NWH is a Holland film but I'm now reeeeaally interested to see Toby back.