Spider-Man: No Way Home (December 17th, 2021)

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Movies haven't been "live-action" in at least 20 years. They call it live action but they're really just cartoons.

Star Wars prequels, Harry Potter movies, the Matrix sequels...they all started overly relying on CGI characters that aren't even actors in front of green screens. And they all look terrible, shiny, rubbery, and weightless. They still look just as bad.

I remember seeing that goofy cartoon kid riding a broom in Harry Potter and thinking "Nobody actually thinks this looks remotely real, do they?" Then the Neo vs hundreds of Smiths fight. More cartoons. Revenge of the Sith where all the Clone Troopers are cartoons.

100% of the "action scenes" in all these Marvel movies are animated. It's boring. I know it sounds dumb, but it was way cooler when they just built real models and blew **** up. The White House blowing up in Independence Day looks a thousand times more real than anything in any Marvel movie.

Anyway, I just watched a bootleg of this one and it wasn't bad. Had some moments. But here's the thing: I've never been a fan of Spider-Man as a character. The only reason I was ever interested in him was the brief window that Todd McFarlane was drawing him. I was never a fan of the Raimi movies cause I thought the tone was all wrong, and I gave the first ASM a try and thought it sucked. I already mentioned how I never watched the Holland movies cause I hated Ned so much.

I guess to appreciate this movie you'd probably have to really, really like the other Spider-Man movies. Even as a non-fan, I enjoyed some of the performances. Maguire and Garfield were fantastic, and Molina and Dafoe were pretty good. I even found Zendaya very attractive. I don't know why she gets so much hate in the DUNC thread.

I liked Holland's Spidey a lot when he was just a bit player in the Avengers movies, but I don't like him much as a lead. Same with Dr. Strange.

I still ******* LLOOOOAAATHHEEE Ned though.

I feel bad for Happy. Poor bastard's been through a lot. In the comics it was him that married Pepper, not Tony, but I doubt they'll allow that to happen now. To think he was tapping that sweet Marisa Tomei Aunt May ass and she broke it off with him. He'll never top that.
Is the end in the final suit the same place where the Hawkeye battle takes place? Sure looks like the same skating rink and the large X-Mas tree. Look at Feige, weaving NWH and Hawkeye together.
I have not read back through this thread much to see if it was mentioned, but we also got Rogers The Musical signs which made me smirk
Movies haven't been "live-action" in at least 20 years. They call it live action but they're really just cartoons.

Star Wars prequels, Harry Potter movies, the Matrix sequels...they all started overly relying on CGI characters that aren't even actors in front of green screens. And they all look terrible, shiny, rubbery, and weightless. They still look just as bad.

I remember seeing that goofy cartoon kid riding a broom in Harry Potter and thinking "Nobody actually thinks this looks remotely real, do they?" Then the Neo vs hundreds of Smiths fight. More cartoons. Revenge of the Sith where all the Clone Troopers are cartoons.

100% of the "action scenes" in all these Marvel movies are animated. It's boring. I know it sounds dumb, but it was way cooler when they just built real models and blew **** up. The White House blowing up in Independence Day looks a thousand times more real than anything in any Marvel movie.

Anyway, I just watched a bootleg of this one and it wasn't bad. Had some moments. But here's the thing: I've never been a fan of Spider-Man as a character. The only reason I was ever interested in him was the brief window that Todd McFarlane was drawing him. I was never a fan of the Raimi movies cause I thought the tone was all wrong, and I gave the first ASM a try and thought it sucked. I already mentioned how I never watched the Holland movies cause I hated Ned so much.

I guess to appreciate this movie you'd probably have to really, really like the other Spider-Man movies. Even as a non-fan, I enjoyed some of the performances. Maguire and Garfield were fantastic, and Molina and Dafoe were pretty good. I even found Zendaya very attractive. I don't know why she gets so much hate in the DUNC thread.

I liked Holland's Spidey a lot when he was just a bit player in the Avengers movies, but I don't like him much as a lead. Same with Dr. Strange.

I still ******* LLOOOOAAATHHEEE Ned though.

I feel bad for Happy. Poor bastard's been through a lot. In the comics it was him that married Pepper, not Tony, but I doubt they'll allow that to happen now. To think he was tapping that sweet Marisa Tomei Aunt May ass and she broke it off with him. He'll never top that.
Watched Harry Potter the other day. It’s amazing how they only used cgi when they needed to and not for damn near everything. I said to myself “ if this were out today Harry’s glasses would be cgi”
Next movie they should have fat Peter Parker and call it Work From Home
Hot Toys when
Movies haven't been "live-action" in at least 20 years. They call it live action but they're really just cartoons.

Star Wars prequels, Harry Potter movies, the Matrix sequels...they all started overly relying on CGI characters that aren't even actors in front of green screens. And they all look terrible, shiny, rubbery, and weightless. They still look just as bad.

I remember seeing that goofy cartoon kid riding a broom in Harry Potter and thinking "Nobody actually thinks this looks remotely real, do they?" Then the Neo vs hundreds of Smiths fight. More cartoons. Revenge of the Sith where all the Clone Troopers are cartoons.

100% of the "action scenes" in all these Marvel movies are animated. It's boring. I know it sounds dumb, but it was way cooler when they just built real models and blew **** up. The White House blowing up in Independence Day looks a thousand times more real than anything in any Marvel movie.

Anyway, I just watched a bootleg of this one and it wasn't bad. Had some moments. But here's the thing: I've never been a fan of Spider-Man as a character. The only reason I was ever interested in him was the brief window that Todd McFarlane was drawing him. I was never a fan of the Raimi movies cause I thought the tone was all wrong, and I gave the first ASM a try and thought it sucked. I already mentioned how I never watched the Holland movies cause I hated Ned so much.

I guess to appreciate this movie you'd probably have to really, really like the other Spider-Man movies. Even as a non-fan, I enjoyed some of the performances. Maguire and Garfield were fantastic, and Molina and Dafoe were pretty good. I even found Zendaya very attractive. I don't know why she gets so much hate in the DUNC thread.

I liked Holland's Spidey a lot when he was just a bit player in the Avengers movies, but I don't like him much as a lead. Same with Dr. Strange.

I still ******* LLOOOOAAATHHEEE Ned though.

I feel bad for Happy. Poor bastard's been through a lot. In the comics it was him that married Pepper, not Tony, but I doubt they'll allow that to happen now. To think he was tapping that sweet Marisa Tomei Aunt May ass and she broke it off with him. He'll never top that.
Personally I don't think she fits Chani. I generally find the casting hypocritical, as Hollywood goes on and on about diversity and inclusion, and now that they had a chance to cast MENAs they just cast African-Americans and two celebs and that was it. When she dolls up she's pretty, but she's a bit of a stick.


But personally speaking, if she's being pushed as Zoomer Halle Berry, I don't think she can compete.


Agreed on all the CGI stuff BTW. It's gotten ridiculous at this point.

Hot Toys when
They could even reuse the body for Fat Stark. Genius!

This movie was an emotional roller coaster thrill ride and a huge blast!



Some character traits rubbed me the wrong way
Parker being irresponsible and selfish by dragging his friends into cataclysmic events
while other things I wanted to see happen didn’t
Osborn left alone after his cure Parker should’ve interacted with him for some closure for both
and the decision to switch the climax into darkness to get the movie finished on time was unfortunate.

it made no sense that Doc Ock said the last thing he remembered from his universe was strangling Peter which wasn’t he should’ve said going into the river and then poof he arrived.

But ignore what I just wrote and definitely go see this asap with the most enthusiastic crowd possible (sorry Ireland).

If your main complaint all this time has been that you want a Spider-Man movie not a Stark-man movie then your train has FINALLY arrived GET ONBOARD!

His final costume was a huge surprise and freaking gorgeous GIVE ME NOW!

One of the most emotional movies I have ever experienced!

Tobey’s eyes and facial expression at the big critical scene during the climax was super powerful super super powerful!

Andrew’s big moment was also freaking amazing!

I will end it with this.

I just experienced the most gut punching emotional
death scene in cinema history…..FOR ME. I teared up 3 times in this freaking movie lol AND holy crap I was not expecting a full DS2 trailer for the end credits scene that was also a huge surprise!

This movie was spectacular!

I loved the film. Best Marvel film since Infinity War... Of course I have yet to see The Eternals and dont know when I will.

Everything was fully enjoyable. It got a little slow in the middle but just a little.

Great to see all the villains in one spot.

I teared up also... But only two moments

1. Death of Aunt May and AG saving of MJ and that little cry he lets out. ******* perfect!!!!!!! This helped bring some closure to TAS films as I have always enjoyed them overall, but they ended with such a downer I have a hard time going back to them. I think this film solidified that AG is my fav Spidey :lol

#1 most exciting moment in the MCU remains Cap in EG but…

#1 and # 2 most emotional moments in the MCU are now from this movie
May’s death and Tobey’s Spiderman stopping Holland’s Spiderman from killing Norman.

Hell I think #3, #4 and #5 emotional moments are also from this movie crazy I know.

The lesson in this movie is very powerful and carried huge consequences.

It really took
Aunt May from being a side character into becoming a huge critical character and solidified this as a proper Spiderman movie. I hope WB can one day make Bruce Wayne watching his parents die as powerful as this.

My 3 emotional moments in MCU are

1. Hulk getting ****** over in EG :lol
2. Death of Yondu
3. A tie - Death of AM and AG saving MJ
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Question. This may have been asked but... If everyone brought into this Spidey Universe were because they knew the Spidey was really Peter Parker then why was SONY Universe Venom there?
I love how this film is
basically a reboot for the MCU Spidey. We should now see Spidey be more like the Spidey we know and love. He got the Great Power Speech, lost a family member that he blames himself for, no Stark industries to help him. Great stuff. Love it.
I really don’t understand why the CGI is so bad in this movie, the way Spidey movies is so unnatural and weightless at times. It’s like they just throw physics out the window, which doesn’t really work for live action.
One of the things that I thought the AG films did really well especially AS2. They seemed to get the weight thing down.
That's high praise. Very high praise...
Can't tell if serisous lol.

While I did really like it.. Its only up against EG, Shang Chi, and Black Widow. I am guessing its better than Eternal. But I am 100% sure I am right there. :lol

I just had fun with the film.
ASM2 ended with such a downer and SP3 was just meh... This film helped brin better closer to both of them.
Question. This may have been asked but... If everyone brought into this Spidey Universe were because they knew the Spidey was really Peter Parker then why was SONY Universe Venom there?
Yeah. End credits of Venom 2. Venom told Eddie something about the symbiotes able to communicate over vast distances, through the multiverse.

Question. This may have been asked but... If everyone brought into this Spidey Universe were because they knew the Spidey was really Peter Parker then why was SONY Universe Venom there?
I know this is a spoiler but venom says he has a hive mind that connects throughout the universe and he knows who Peter Parker is cause he has a hive mind with the other venoms out there.
I was entertained by Venom being brought into the MCU at the end of his movie, then being booted out at the end of the MCU movie. Guess that puts that debate to bed.

I was also thoroughly surprised by the gasps of shock in the audience when the other Spider-Mans showed up. Maybe I'm just on the internet too much, but that seemed inevitable when all the villains from the other Spider-Man movies showed up. But my audience flipped out when Tobey showed up. Sure it was cool, and kinda funny considering the rumors this whole time, but ... I mean, it wasn't that surprising.