Spider Man show not so good

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If I were a Broadway critic (and thank GOD I'm not cause I'd rather ride a horse naked atop a saddle made of rusty razorblades, used syringes and salt then watch a Broadway musical) my review of Spider-man would read:

"Spidey rogues rejoice! We've finally discovered the one surface Spider-Man won't be able to cling to....a Broadway stage!"
If I were a Broadway critic (and thank GOD I'm not cause I'd rather ride a horse naked atop a saddle made of rusty razorblades, used syringes and salt then watch a Broadway musical) my review of Spider-man would read:

That's the plot for SAW23: Revenge of Lady Godiva.
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Damn. Maybe I was being a bit too judgmental. That actually doesn't look half bad! Good job, Bono et al.
Natalie Mendoza, who plays Arachne, was hit on the head by a rope at the first preview Sunday night. Although she felt fine and performed again Wednesday night, she fell ill yesterday and could not perform last night. Her absence was first reported by BroadwayWorld.com.

The actress was diagnosed with a concussion and will be out of the show at least a week.

Her understudy, America Olivo, a former Playbill cover model, will take over the role.


Couple more Conan bits!

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Apparently all performances are selling out because people are expecting to see a train wreck. It's sort of like The Producers. :lol
Didn't the Superman musical fail miserably?
I was in NYC last January and saw some of the posters around Time Square for the Spidey show and thought it was a little strange but cool. Then I looked around and saw Shrek the musical and thought Spidey's might have a chance. Too bad.
If you go to Spider-Man the Musical, you take your life in your own hands... Do you think they sell life insurance for audience members at this show? Because knowing my luck, if I ever got into this thing, Spidey would be fighting Electro and some pyrotechnics would go wrong creating a fireball that kills me and everybody in the audience. That's how crazy this show is. You're probably going to die if you go see this...
The Onion reports even more problems for the show. :lol


Nuclear Bomb Detonates During Rehearsal For 'Spider-Man' Musical

NEW YORK—In yet another setback for the $65 million dollar Broadway musical Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark—a production plagued by multiple delays, poor early reviews, and severe injuries to its cast and crew—a thermonuclear device detonated during the first act of Tuesday night's preview performance. "The bomb should not have gone off at all," said lead producer Michael Cohl, adding that the explosion that vaporized most of Manhattan was "not that unusual" for a major Broadway show still in development. "Spider-Man is supposed to swing down to the stage and deactivate a nuclear bomb, but his wires got tangled up, and by the time he got there and remembered the disarm code, it was too late. We're going to hire two more stagehands to make sure this doesn't happen again." Despite the setback, Cohl told reporters that he is more optimistic than ever about the production, saying that director Julie Taymor and composers Bono and the Edge were disintegrated in the explosion.