My point is, is that's it bad for their rep/image. How? Not to us, we know what's up and collect here (though it does really make me lose some respect for them) but people who don't know much about SS. They'll see these and think THEY made them. Sure it says Tonner, but the mass market is stupid, they'll see DISTRIBUTED BY SIDESHOW and whenever they hear about SS connect them to these. Sure they'll make money off the weird cat people who collect Tonner, but will they get a crossover audience? I doubt it. Why would some weirdo who's into Tonner want a PF Jason or much of anything else SS pumps out? They just won'r go for ANYTHING that SS makes, and vice versa. Medicom, Hot Toys, GREAT cross over marketing there, even Electric Tiki. But Tonner, just a bad mvoe I think. Whatever though, right, aint my money.