I found this:
I"t was reported over Baltimore news radio several days ago that a researcher investigated Barack Obama's genealogy in detail, examining official government birth records in both the United States and Kenya. From this primary source documentation, the researcher came to a shocking conclusion -- Obama IS NOT BLACK. To be precise, the researcher determined that Barack Obama is:
1) 50% Caucasian
2) 43.75% Arab, and
3) 6.25% African *****
This corresponds to a demographic breakdown of his 16 Great-Great-Grandparents as follows: 8 Caucasians, 7 Arabs, and one *****."
And this:
Obama: Arab American?
Kenneth Lamb, journalist of some note, posits an interesting argument to Obama Hussein's roots on his blog, Reading Between the Lines . Please go here and read it all.Yes, it's important. Add it to the troubling pot of where Obama Hussein's allegiances lie. Obama Hussein, descendant from Arab slave traders. Ouch. Spin that.
The thing is, the media and the Democrats are touting his "African American" background and using it to mine white liberal guilt (millions of white folks are voting for him to prove they are not racists!) So it stands to reason that we expose his actual descendancy from Arab slave traders - the worst practitioners of racism and human trafficking (even still, even now.) Hardly the "only man that can fix America's soul" as Michelle Barack keeps reminding us. BTW, there is nothing wrong with the American soul.
Brack Obama: Washington Post, Chicago Tribune investigations confirm autobiography lies; now asking: Is "African-American" a lie too
Synopsis: The author opens citing the work of Mr. Richard Cohen of the Washington Post. Mr. Cohen’s columns about the “composites,” rearranged timelines, and complete fabrication of events in Sen. Obama’s autobiography are the basis for a further investigation into Mr. Obama’s claim to be “African-American.”
(NOTE: This IS NOT a rehash of the discredited discussion of either his education in Islamic schools, or any other ties to Islam. His religion, and education, outside of citing his Harvard attendance, play no role whatsoever in this article. THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS NEW, PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLISHED documentation concerning his ethnic identity claims. It is based upon original research that the author openly invites for further inquiry and academic verification in his preface to Mr. Cohen.)
I disagree with Lamb on this. I think Obama's time in Indonesia is seminal. Even when CNN attempted to "debunk" it - all they could do is discuss the level of religiosity - "I came here to Barack Obama's elementary school in Jakarta looking for what some are calling an Islamic madrassa ... like the ones that teach hate and violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan," Vause said on the "Situation Room" Monday. "I've been to those madrassas in Pakistan ... this school is nothing like that."
CNN acknowledged Obama lived in Indonesia as a child, from 1967 to 1971, with his mother and Muslim stepfather and has acknowledged attending a Muslim school, but "an aide said it was not a madrassa".
Documentation of his actual ethnic background demonstrates Mr. Obama is not an “African-American” as defined in United States law. This research was initiated by a request from a daily news publication of international reputation in New York City.
The story then moves to documenting his father’s genealogy. This study indicates Sen. Obama is actually Arab-American. The significance of this is that “the soul and substance of Mr. Obama’s claim to fame” rest entirely on his being “the first” African-American to achieve whatever it is that Mr. Obama is claiming at the time. If Mr. Obama is not legally an African-American, then his claims collapse. While there may still be historic firsts, for example, being the first Arab-American to be the president of the Harvard Law Review, those claims are not the star-appeal of his entire political life, and the basis of his current celebrity star status. If he is not African-American, then he is not what has propelled him up the political ladder; he is not, as described by one journalist riding Mr. Obama’s campaign plane, what is currently capturing America’s “cult” attention.
The author includes a section that notes the double-standard Oprah Winfrey applied in her handling of Mr. Obama’s autobiographical fabrications vis a vis her reaction to much less in a book by another author she promoted. It calls upon her to explain her double-standards, and asks, reasonably under the circumstances, if her double-standards are racist.
Go read it all ................ there is a lot there to absorb, particularly his correspondence to Richard Cohen at WaPo."