Nerf Herder
I love the way Ditko, Romita, Kane, Adru.... eh, you know what I'm going at. Those older ASM comics are just gorgeous.
Works of art.

I like Spidey's old costume:
.... worst? .... Bagley ....
Couldn't disagree more. I'm sure it's mostly due to when I really got into Spidey, but to me, Bagley is one of the defining artists for him.
How dare you disagree with me and bring more than a childish rant to the table on this board about how McFarlane sux and Im an idiot!..
... that being said, you have a very valid point. Whoever is the artist on a character at the point you fall in love with the title as a child will more then likely become the gospel to you as a fan
I like Spidey's old costume:
and the irony here is how much his Peter Parker looked like your avatar
Image Comics was created as a result of how Marvel treated it's artists. The only way for them to create their own original chracters and make more than pennies on the dollar for something soley theirs was to split from the vice-grip of the big 2. I think one of the best things to ever happen to the comic world was give the big middle finger to the over-ego'd, over-powered Marvel at the time and give them a reality check as to how important their talent pool was to the companies success.
Now how each creator acted once out on their own speaks for their own personal character. McFarlane was one of the few of the original group who religiously put out book on time consistently.
As far as the over-printing goes. Thats the collectors faults for buying them and continuing to support the overprinting. i did it myself. Yes, I bought 15 copies of X-Force #1. I was one of those idiots caught up in the collecting hype.