Dear Twitter pal,
Thank you for entering our recent Spooktacular riddle giveaway-The Gate! We asked: There is evil there that does not sleep. But what guards the gates? character/product name_____. email me!
Well, Boromir explains to the gathering, ""One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep." Sideshow Collectibles has a Black Orc of Mordor Premium format statue so the bit about character/product in the riddle was also a clue to the answer: Orc or Black Orc of Mordor! Yes, it could have been Sauron but I was looking for ORC! No sniveling!
Congrats to @IAmRJsDad who won the Black Orc of Mordor Premium Format figure!
Keep us bookmarked today on Twitter, Facebook and even our site for awesome prizes, bonus Rewards, new pre-orders and more!
Best regards,
Mistress of the Web
Spooktacular Hostess, Awesomeness of Awesome