Spud's Customs - 41st Elite Kashyyyk

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Re: Spud's Customs

Thanks dude.

Shoulder pads are actually some scrap that I cut off the top of some civil war calvary boots.
Re: Spud's Customs

Been out of the game for about a month but I'm slowly getting back into it.
Got my custom heads from galactiboy and finished up my Sith Anakin. Loving the paint work on those. Thanks again, my friend. Can't wait to get Old Ben suited up.

Also finished Djas Puhr thanks to Duane. Thanks again, dude. :D

And lastly I've been trying to stock up on bodies (taking advantage of TA's discounts) for future projects of various rebels and somehow this happened...

Re: Spud's Customs

That Anakin turned out great... is the outfit stock?

To be honest with you I don't know. I got the figure in an eBay lot along with 5 501st troopers and the seller said it was a mix of Sideshow and Medicom Anakin parts. So I guess it is stock but its a kitbash.
Re: Spud's Customs

Good to see you back Tyler, hope you had a nice break. :)

New stuff looks great dude. I love the looks on Djas' and Elis' face while looking at the Stormtrooper. It looks like they are taking it allllllll in. :D
Re: Spud's Customs

Good to see you back Tyler, hope you had a nice break. :)

New stuff looks great dude. I love the looks on Djas' and Elis' face while looking at the Stormtrooper. It looks like they are taking it allllllll in. :D

Hahaha :lol And that Bith is trying to avoid it.
Good to be back in it, my friend. Really looking forward to finishing up some projects.
Re: Spud's Customs

Finished putting my Han and Old Ben back together on new bodies after getting my head sculpts back from galaciboy. Since HT is making the smuggler version of Han I thought I'd use this one as Han with the ceremonial look to go with my Luke and Leia. Mind you the Luke in this picture is a custom kitbash that I got awhile back and have yet to upgrade him much. He needs the correct medal, because right now he is sporting the Hasbro one. I'm also wanting to get the Red Five pilot sculpt for him when that is released. Pretty pleased with the height distribution among the three of them as well.

I still hold the belief that the Old Ben from Sideshow can beat out Hot Toys offering with an awesome paint job like this.

I love having other peoples work as part of my collection. Galactiboy did Old Ben (highly, HIGHLY recommended) and Darren Carnall did Obi Wan. These are two of my favorites. May do the water treatment on Old Ben to make the cloak a little more natural looking.

Re: Spud's Customs

Yeah Luke needs some tweaking but Leia and Han look great! OMG that Ben is outstanding. I really need to send him mine for a repaint.