Spud's Customs - 41st Elite Kashyyyk

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Re: Spud's Customs

Thanks guys. :lol

Updated my two SSC Stormies with the Hot Toys buckets. They look pretty comparable now. May get the chest pieces to replace as well.

Group shot L to R: HT, SSC, HT, SSC
Just need to get one more stand.





These helmets do the Stormtroopers such better justice than the SSC ones ever did. I think that's what mainly kept me from getting more stormies before now. Most of mine are Marmits but I can see myself picking up another HT one in the future. I'm a sucker for troopers. Really, really looking forward to all the First Order troops too. Love that they're all getting announced around the same time. My wallet doesn't care much for it though. haha
Re: Spud's Customs

I don't know that they fit the ball joints because I think the HT sockets are a little small for the SSC pegs but they sit on there just fine. I'm one for leaving a figure in one pose once I find the pose so I'll probably just get a little stickytack and attach them that way. Right now they would fall off if I turned the figure on its side.

Looks good. Better to spend $45 each and upgrade than $200 each for new all troopers.

Damn straight. And now I can use the two SSC helmets on my Luke and Han in disguise and have two more SSC troopers for background units, since the HT versions will be much better and worthy of display without helmets.
Re: Spud's Customs

Lately I haven't done much in the way of customizing but I have been working on creating display areas for my growing 1/6 collection. Seeing as how I apparently lack the good sense to know when enough is enough, I figure I should focus a little more on how to make room for them.

So first off I've got a tall wooden display cabinet that for years has been filled with all the different Jedi starfighters that Hasbro made for the 3 3/4" figure lines as well as some clone vehicles. I feel better about putting those in a box in the closet that I would 1/6th figures so I adjusted the shelf heights and added a light to the underside of the top. I may go back and make some more shelves out of wood to replace the glass ones so the other shelves could get lights under them as well.
Really loving that I can display most of my Imperials now.

Also got the Star Wars tree set up with the Hoth crew around the base, which is another reason for my lack of customizing due to me decorating 40 Christmas tress in my house. Don't judge me. I will be adding snow around the base to bring it all together.

And managed to still utilize my Luke and Vader sabers despite them being spaced out.

I also got the Duel of Fates set up on top of the cabinet. The exposure on my iPad really sucks for cathode pictures as you can tell.

Things are also getting pretty festive in Cantina.

And finally this small update. With TA recently parting out Red Five I was able to upgrade my Ceremony Luke and I gave my Marmit Tie pilot some new gloves.

And for a future project, Biggs is waiting in the wings. Its sure going to be fun painting that helmet to match his. :google

Re: Spud's Customs

ah Christmas time at the cantina. wonder how desperate some of them are as they are eyeing each other`s credits and thinking I need credits for Christmas shopping. all right stickem up :)