You're right Metal Gear is friggin sexy
Sent from the Shell by codec.
Sent from the Shell by codec.
How come? I just have a problem with toy companies exaggurating figures to make them 'sexy'
Not sure that review required being thrown in two threads![]()
Nah... I go where the relevant interest already is. I'm not looking to spam.. just to share.
So anybody else considering grabbing the new Tomb Raider special edition since it comes packed in with a PAK fig? Game + PAK figure for $99... not shabby.
Wow, you're pretty vile.
I was about to make a comment about how some figure lines seem really woman-focussed, with exaggurated proportions etc, but then I realise it's because that's what sells to the lonely pervert section of action figure collectors, which the above poster appears to be part of.