If they do the game figures as PAK they need to give Cloud the Ultima Blade as a accessory 

Barret is the first member you meet!
Cid isn't as flashy as Vincent or Yuffie in the character design/color dept. But no Barret is outright shocking.
There was a guy that did a custom Barret and Cid... even Safer Sephiroth who I would trade a kidney for.
Sweet!I wish I didn't hold out on collection the FF PAK figures a few years ago. They look awesome.
It's a bit silly it comes with a sword. Batman doesn't use a sword, it's like giving a sword to Solid Snake
Well, he gets a sword in Arkham city and uses it to slice away at Clay Face. Batman in the Animated series did train in Japan for many years, in the art of Ninjitsu - so he should be a skilled swordsman.
Yeah i know that i just mean he doesn't fit a sword, you know when some people just suit swords. Batman doesn't
I dunno. I think of Batman as just a technologically advanced ninja with a cowl and cape.
imo if he fit a sword so well he would have used one more often. If anything he would have had a dagger
Well, he has a gauntlet with spikes, and shurikens shaped as the bat symbol
A katana isn't something that's iconic to Batman's look. But, it's cool that he's able to use one, nevertheless. It gives me more of an appreciation for the character, that he's a master of combat (he wouldn't ever use guns, though).