A few of them are badly painted, mainly the TDKR Batman. It has that gritty paint app. Akuma is damn ugly.
i hope they make all the mgs characters. i dont care if they are "restyled", they look amazing. i will have all of them including the variants. i had bayonetta and jean and sam and bogey but sold them a while ago. i wish i hadnt. i miss em now.
well, their mgs line has been back and forth too. they did peacewalker, then the snake and ninja + variant, then solidus, then meryl, then raidens, now theyre going back to mgs1 and 2. i think its a safe bet that well see more from 1 and 2. we need mantis and ocelot at least. also mgs2 snake. when he comes out thell be a major **** storm.
Are the ankles joints on your Harley loose? Mine are messed up.
Mine are pretty flimsy, PAK QC stinks.