Super Freak
Ah ok thanks.
I should know by April if I can afford this. Just hope by then there are still pre orders. The big chap is meant to be released in March/April so this should be out June/July or maybe July/August.
I hope its out by then. It'll help me plan my expenses well without being too heavy on the wallet.
Yes!I concur on that. Sometimes Sideshow gives a too human pose to their non human characters. Doing that gives the statue the appearence of a guy in a suit instead of a real and believable creature.
Indeed, the producers of the four alien movies spent a lot of money in R&D to avoid the guy-in-a-suit syndrome. Same applies to the Predator, Robocop etc movies.

Guy-in-a-suit. Thats exactly what the Big Chap looks like. Blame the pose for it.
r u talk!nG abouT biG Chap MaquettE
Yes. I am. Its the maquette that has the standing pose, doesn't it?
