Absolutely agree with RIDDICK.
...the thesis is: 1/12 (low budget), 1/6 (most popular), 1/4 (still pretty popular), 1/2 & 1/1 (pretty expensive and took a lot of space) are the most popular scales in OUR collectible niche.
Well, the 1/7 and 1/8 are pretty popular too, but in the Anime collectors community.
And if we collect... let's say: lots of 1/6 scale, some OR lots of 1/4 scale and some 1/1 props (most of us collects exact this way, right?) - we really wish our collection to looks whole, not uncoordinated.
*******! I want those classic aliens in 6-th scale. I need them! And not crappy action figures, but statues - heavy and beautiful. I can't afford maquettes (too expensive and I really have no space to display them), but I easily can pay 400$ for some fine 1/6 scale statue. And if Sideshow thinks that something like 1/5 or 1/7 would fit great into my collection - they are very wrong. So I'm pass this series. Even thou I have no Alien 1 yet at all (nothing fits into my collection). Even thou I need it very much.
Just try to get my idea: I don't know why they are producing them in this scale, coz there already WAS some beautiful space-economize series:
Why not making something exceptional? Something necessarily of us*?
I don't know...
*Saying "us" I mean collectors of items in 1/6 scale, not the ones who lost the first statues series (on pic. in this post) and now would like to get something similar.