Super Freak
Here's some help for the contest:
According to the Elvish Name Generator his name is "Mablung Melwasúl" (for Treebeard Treebeard as well as for Tree Beard) or "Mablung Telemmaitë" (for Treebeard Ent).
According to the Middle Earth Name Generator:
Elven Name Possibilities for Treebeard
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Nibindring
Another masculine version is: Nibindringion
Elven Name Possibilities for Tree Beard
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Telpëmar
Another masculine version is: Telpëmarion
Elven Name Possibilities for Treebeard Ent
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Nurephel
Another masculine version is: Nurephelion

According to the Elvish Name Generator his name is "Mablung Melwasúl" (for Treebeard Treebeard as well as for Tree Beard) or "Mablung Telemmaitë" (for Treebeard Ent).
According to the Middle Earth Name Generator:
Elven Name Possibilities for Treebeard
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Nibindring
Another masculine version is: Nibindringion
Elven Name Possibilities for Tree Beard
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Telpëmar
Another masculine version is: Telpëmarion
Elven Name Possibilities for Treebeard Ent
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Nurephel
Another masculine version is: Nurephelion