SSC: 12" Jedi (Insert Name Here)

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even though this aint a jedi....
i have an itching feeling that sideshow could beat this LOL


acutally, the hasbro or whichever company's one aint just looks kinda toyish
I think it will either be Old Ben or Plo Koon. I'm hoping for Ben with exclusive Ponda Baba severed arm... or would that be "inclusive" severed arm?
sunohc said:
even though this aint a jedi....
i have an itching feeling that sideshow could beat this LOL


acutally, the hasbro or whichever company's one aint just looks kinda toyish

I've never seen this one in person, but he looks damn good. :google
If it's not Old Obi, or Yoda from the OT, I hope it's a PT Female Jedi figure as well. We really need more female characters in this line.
I'm going with the popular choices:

Ki-Adi Mundi or Saesee Tinn (to go with Mace and Kit)...with a possible Old Ben Kenobi if OT love shines in 2007. These seem to be the key remaining Jedi -- besides Yoda of course, but I don't think SS is ready for that just yet.

If there is any secret meaning to that "jedi on the horizon" line, then maybe Bespin Luke. But I would think its too early for a duplicate character, especially after just getting Sith Ani.
It's ickle Padawan Anakin (He's is, after all, a new jedi) or TPM Obi-Wan (was a padawan and was granted the rank of Jedi at the end).

I'd love an old Kenobi though...

In fact, I'm cool with whoever they put out (as long as it's not Ice Cream man!)
Old Ben huh.......... guess I should put off customising my Hasbro version for a while, lol
hunky_artist said:
Old Ben huh.......... guess I should put off customising my Hasbro version for a while, lol

Heh - I've been eying off mine for a little while.... I did notice last night that one of the Hasbro PT Obi-Wan's has the same boots as the Sideshow PF format....

But I don't think it will be Obi-Wan from ANH simply because we already have him in PF - I think he's a ways off.

I believe it probably is one of the minor Jedi's from the prequel but I'm hoping for something from the EU - either Kyle Katarn, Corran Horn, Mara Jade or Quinlan Voss. I'd say Voss is probably a bit more likely than the others because he appeared in the EU Poll and they did say they only proposed characters they considered making.
LordAzrael said:
I believe it probably is one of the minor Jedi's from the prequel but I'm hoping for something from the EU - either Kyle Katarn, Corran Horn, Mara Jade or Quinlan Voss. I'd say Voss is probably a bit more likely than the others because he appeared in the EU Poll and they did say they only proposed characters they considered making.
If Mara Jade would be next that would make me so happy, but since Snowbunny Padme won the poll shes going to get released first. I guess Sideshow could have already started Mara when they saw her running away with the poll and then had to stop. I would probably go crazy though waiting for preorder day until I see her in my account and then everything would be good.
Please don't get me excited for a 'GOOD' EU character. Padme was the worst choice ever, shame on all of you who voted for her. I wonder if the announcement will come in tonight's news letter?
Darth Loki said:
Please don't get me excited for a 'GOOD' EU character. Padme was the worst choice ever, shame on all of you who voted for her. I wonder if the announcement will come in tonight's news letter?

I only voted for her hoping she would come in an Animated style, you know, like how she was portrayed!!! Not enough Animated Clone Wars support! Anyway, back on topic, if not Ben or OT Yoda, I think Shakk is due. I wouldn't get her, seeing I only care for OT, but I agree, this is getting to be a sausage fest, and we need some LADIES!!!!!!
Unless it's ANH Obi-Wan or Yoda this will be another miss for me. I would think ANH Luke would be in "Heroes Of The Rebellion" as he wasn't a proper Jedi until ROTJ.
I'm really hoping for Plo Koon. With all the detail that SS could put into his headsculpt that would be one sweet looking figure! I would guess that his exclusive/inclusive would be his yellow lightsaber from Jedi Power Battles but I hope its something cooler.
My vote would be for Quinlan Vos, as he was one of my favorite EU Jedi in the comics. Shame they never put him in the movie.
2006 is the year of A New Hope, so I'm hoping for an Alec Guiness Obi-Wan, followed by Vader with exclusive ROTJ reveal head. :monkey5
Boba Fett said:
My vote would be for Quinlan Vos, as he was one of my favorite EU Jedi in the comics. Shame they never put him in the movie.

I just finished reading those. WOW!!! They were absolutely great. I'd highly recommend them to anyone who enjoys the animated Clone Wars.

I certainly would not be upset with a Quinlan 12". I honestly would love all the other 5 characters that were in SS's pole.
Boba Fett said:
My vote would be for Quinlan Vos, as he was one of my favorite EU Jedi in the comics. Shame they never put him in the movie.

You can actually catch a glimpse of him in Episode I on Tattooine.

"Master Skywalker they are too many of them, what are we going to do?"

I think its going to be that kid. As a young Padawan he was obviously a "new" Jedi and you could see all "horizons" from that room. Plus it contributes to the most sought after of all Sith Anakin dioramas.