I do have the Medi. I will post pics of them together when I get a chance.
That head is going to look tiny. The Medicom bodies are small and the new body for SS Batman is on the large side.
Quick pic. First impressions: left hand and gauntlet fell out in the package. He seems a little fragile. I'm sort of afraid to move him around too much. The body is a little odd to maneuver. Someone mentioned they took the nose part off of the sculpt and I didn't think it would bother me, but it does. The eyes look small. Don't know if it was intentional, but it looks like they could of painted them in more. There is eye that isn't painted white. Joints feel loose but not floppy loose so I don't know if that's how they are suppose be. The chin plates are not magnets but plugs. I have mixed feelings about this guy. Hopefully over time I'll appreciate him, but right now he is kind of eh. He's like Lee Majors as Batman. I'll try and get more pics up.
Not on purpose. You could unsew the back but that's more than I would want to do to this figure.Does the suit look to be removable?
Is it the left elbow?Got mine today (shipped yesterday, I live one town over from Sideshow so it came speedily). First thing I noticed/loved is the cape! It drapes really, really nicely in just about any position. The only bummer is one of the elbow joints seems a little loose (don't think it's broken, but not sure). Already contacted Sideshow about possibly exchanging it. Probably wouldn't bother, but anytime I'm paying 200+ for a toy, I expect something pretty close to perfection. Overall, other than that issue, a solid B+/A- figure.
It's not completely bad, but I'm not ecstatic about him. There is going to be some paint rub at the ankles because the boot sleeve and boot are separate pieces. Same goes for the gauntlets and hands. There is also paint rubbing off at the cowl. It's coming off at the nose line. Not enough to warrant me sending it back since it's an easy fix, but could see people being miffed about it. I also don't want to pose him too extreme because it's putting stress on the stitching.