Ha, maybe get a classic Superman and classic Flash within a couple years.

Ha, maybe get a classic Superman and classic Flash within a couple years.
Hey, for those that have at least one of the first two SSC 1/6 Batman figures, did they have terrible crotch/thigh joint setup that the female figures had that busted apart far too easily?
Sideshow’s 1:6 prices have just become insane. For $200 just a few years ago we got multiple heads and faces, numerous accessories, countless hands, switch out feet, a couple of stand options, and an exclusive accessory at no additional cost. Now $200 doesn’t even get you a couple of batarangs. They’ve tried to keep the price around the same price, but giving us so much less. The comparison with the DELUXE Hot Toys Batman being only $15 more with extremely more accessories is just laughable. As much as I’d like to get that Bruce head, I’m just not a buyer at these prices anymore, not with so little in accessories at least.
Remember that old video where they showed plans for all the comic based versions they were going to do?
And we get this.
I'd be interested in Adams, Capullo, Lee, Miller, and Romita Jr.-inspired Batman figures in any scale, personally!
I'd be all over a Frank Miller version for sure! I have a modified Medicom but he's a little on the short side compared to standard 1/6 figures.
It seems to depend on the figure--their Obi-Wan has a bunch of accessories... But it's also $250, which is a little much.Sideshow’s 1:6 prices have just become insane. For $200 just a few years ago we got multiple heads and faces, numerous accessories, countless hands, switch out feet, a couple of stand options, and an exclusive accessory at no additional cost. Now $200 doesn’t even get you a couple of batarangs. They’ve tried to keep the price around the same price, but giving us so much less. The comparison with the DELUXE Hot Toys Batman being only $15 more with extremely more accessories is just laughable. As much as I’d like to get that Bruce head, I’m just not a buyer at these prices anymore, not with so little in accessories at least.
I agree on both counts.For $30 more, I feel it comes with far more than this is. He is just so bare bones. Even though Mythoboi is more, I still feel he has a better value just because he comes with more than a lightsaber. Batman doesn’t even have his trademark grapple gun!
This makes me think sideshow might be hanging by a thread.
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This makes me think sideshow might be hanging by a thread.
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I think after Hot toys took over the Star wars license, lets face it, they have Sideshow beat in every way possible, Sideshow has gone down hill. This could have been Batgirl, Bateoman, Teo Face, Riddler, Sinestro, any thing other than another Batman and would have sold quick. I just don’t understand their marketing strategy. Hot Toys clears atleast 50 figures a year, Sideshow can barely break 20. Now their Statue game is great, if they could just stay at a consistent price, and stay consistent within each brand.
Hmmm! After the reveal, I will have to think this figure over. It looks good- I like it, but almost no accessories and the price is a bit steep. The extra head is kind of "Fugly" so I could do without it. Why not supply a few more Bat gadgets? Maybe make the Bruce head a bit more handsome? It's in the Hot Toys price range, but not quite in the same ballpark.