89 Bats is great! Base for that one really adds to the piece... Personally I would sell your Black and grey and get the Modern Bats... I freaking love the Modern Bats... Best Batman out there that is not Prime Noel Batsand even then I still might like it better. The new head sculpt is fantastic and fits the pose of the piece best IMO. The Suit is shaded better, The Bat Emblem is so much better, and the colors just POP! There are some complaints about the Belt but I like the belt. It looks like the comics and really stand out on this piece due to the color.
Don't get me wrong Black and grey is great and I had both for a while but the Modern version just was better in every way to my eyes. So I sold him off. Now I have Prime one Noel to satisfy my Black and Grey needs.
I had Keaton bats also but I am not a huge fan of the film so he got sold off also for another piece.
In my book, it's black and grey all day. Black and grey PF looks the best IMO.