Holy Bat bulge!
Check your humidity, might be the leather cracking and drying out. A sharpie might work or some leather dye would fix that.I just noticed this today. Has anyone had this happened to his or her bats?
Any tip on how to fix/restore?
I just noticed this today. Has anyone had this happened to his or her bats?
Any tip on how to fix/restore?
I just noticed this today. Has anyone had this happened to his or her bats?
Any tip on how to fix/restore?
I just noticed this today. Has anyone had this happened to his or her bats?
Any tip on how to fix/restore?
This is one of the reasons I prefer fully sculpted pieces these days.
By the way guys if anyone has a damaged head for the Blue Modern Batman I have a guy who would repair it for free. I may even be able to throw in a custom head based on the head above for a damn good price. We need to match the blue, and I only have the black.
As a matter of fact... I just dropped my Neal Adams portrait...
All my mixed media looks like the day a China man put it together on the sweat shop floor. If it looks good with mixed media I buy it, if it looks good fully sculpted I buy it. Now I might think otherwise if I lived in a hot climate without air conditioning. However if I didn't have AC I would prob sell my collectibles to buy AC. I like my AC.
Check your humidity, might be the leather cracking and drying out. A sharpie might work or some leather dye would fix that.
Yeah, I saw a couple of really bad ones like this on facebook recently. The only one I saw that was fixed had removed that top layer of pleather and then repainted it black. This seems very similar to the Raiders pf jacket flaking issue. This is one of the reasons I prefer fully sculpted pieces these days. I hope you get it sorted out somehow.
Notify SS that your Bats has that crotch issue. They could have some bodies laying around and they might want that defective 1 back.
Sorry to see this, buddy. But it seems that the pleather's starting to lose its integrity. Agreed with stingray regarding humidity, pleather cracking/drying; and that sharpie could help as a band-aid solution, but if those are tiny air bubbles I see near the part that's already peeled off, that could mean that the pleather's started to become more fragile.
That's why I only buy fully sculpted statues as well. I only have maybe 3 statues with mixed media ...and that's just capes or small accessories.
Hopefully SSC can be champions and help you out. Good luck, wlvn.
So I have to ask, they will make this model available for purchase again at some point, right? I have the "Classic" Superman/Wonder Woman statues and I'd really like to get Batman to complete the Trinity. I mean I assume they will at some point because it seems like these variations would be versions that they cycle in and out and certain times, but I just wanted to ask. Thanks,
Not sure where you're located but all of these JL statues can be bought under retail in Facebook groups, here and online retailers
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I'm in Arizona, near Phoenix. I'm not opposed to buying it 2nd hand, assuming of course it's in good condition.
So I have to ask, they will make this model available for purchase again at some point, right? I have the "Classic" Superman/Wonder Woman statues and I'd really like to get Batman to complete the Trinity. I mean I assume they will at some point because it seems like these variations would be versions that they cycle in and out and certain times, but I just wanted to ask. Thanks,
Thank you for the replies, I think I've found one to purchase.