Super Freak
Re: Sideshow Batman PF?
Omg, the S logo is crooked! Cancel!
Omg, the S logo is crooked! Cancel!
Damn...that looks F'n EPIC!
I know. Supes is right around the corner. Then I'm just waiting to flex WW all the way home. The Trinity will then be complete.Soon my friend...soon
Anyone else thinking about going the custom fully sculpted route?
That's awesome. Holy crap that's a while. Congrats
Sent from the Bat Computer
He's going to look a lot better without the cloth body suit...
Keeping the shorts and belt was a good idea! A small touch of mixed media goes a looooong way.
Anyone else thinking about going the custom fully sculpted route?
Anyone else thinking about going the custom fully sculpted route?
Would you have a new belt sculpted, too? Or stick with the fabric one...Deadpool style?
If I was going to do it I'd keep the belt and the Undies, both look perfect.
If I was going to do it I'd keep the belt and the Undies, both look perfect.
For the Bats PF it's already started. Dark_Spidey started the conversion and has posted a few WIP pics. I'm looking forward to see what it looks like when he's done.
Probably asking for it, but is anyone getting/have the Man of Steel premium format to display with this batman?
Hi friends!! Just paid this PF, its my first sideshow figure, Can I Place it in ikea besta¿?