Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I'm upset with Batman's pose almost as much as I am with his molded cape.

The pose is generic, and with Superman's pose being almost a carbon copy of Batman's, they're just gonna look funny displayed next to each other. I'm still on the fence about getting this or not, but I'm hoping that another Batman PF will be made sometime down the line that'll be better.

While I respect that you have an opinion and that's great and fine, I think the only thing about this statue that is "generic" is that he's on a gargoyle, which seems to be the preferred base of sculptors. And As far as the pose being similar to Superman, I didn't see anything of the sort when I looked at the production peek. So I'd say reserve your judgement until you actually see them both.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

While I respect that you have an opinion and that's great and fine, I think the only thing about this statue that is "generic" is that he's on a gargoyle, which seems to be the preferred base of sculptors. And As far as the pose being similar to Superman, I didn't see anything of the sort when I looked at the production peek. So I'd say reserve your judgement until you actually see them both.

He is saying they look similar because Superman has his leg up on some Crystals from his fortress of solitude. No personally I like How Supes raised leg is sculpted much better then the Bats.

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about PJs for full body costumes. I hate how cheap they look, I hate how it gives statues a mego doll look, and I hate how it covers all the muscular definition of a sculpt. I was really hoping the cape would be cloth for the mixed media element and the costume fully sculpted. I'm trying real hard to keep an open mind. Batman is my favorite DC character by far. It really isn't even close. I want to like this piece.

All I can say after seeing this pic of Bats is that this statue looks incredible. I can't believe the details that are visible even with a cloth costume. I don't know how SSC did it, but it's damn impressive. His abs and ribs can clearly be seen through the cloth. This is some incredible craftsmanship on the part of SSC's creative department. I never thought this would be possible. Not only am I going to PO this piece, but I'm actually excited to do so. IMHO, this is the finest mixed media statue I have ever seen. I was originally going to buy one and strip off the costume and have someone customize it to a fully sculpted piece. If he looks as good in hand as he does in the pics above, that will hardly be necessary.
The controversial part!

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I'll be the first to admit that I HATE the pajama treatment. that being said, bats looks freakin awesome. i think they broke it up nicely with the belt, boots, cape, and mask unlike wolverine or sabertooth. if superman is on the same level, these 2 are going to be EPIC together.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I'll be the first to admit that I HATE the pajama treatment. that being said, bats looks freakin awesome. i think they broke it up nicely with the belt, boots, cape, and mask unlike wolverine or sabertooth. if superman is on the same level, these 2 are going to be EPIC together.

:goodpost: yes the pajamas in not my cup of tea either. :exactly:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

The controversial part!


Very much so Neo. However, if he doesn't look as good as the proto pics, I will exercise my option into converting him into a fully sculpted statue. I already had someone in mind. This is my favorite DC character, I'll make it work somehow. Believe that. :lecture

In the end, I don't think it will be necessary. I believe SSC will nail this PF. Either way, I will most definitely PO this piece.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Very much so Neo. However, if he doesn't look as good as the proto pics, I will exercise my option into converting him into a fully sculpted statue. I already had someone in mind. This is my favorite DC character, I'll make it work somehow. Believe that. :lecture

In the end, I don't think it will be necessary. I believe SSC will nail this PF. Either way, I will most definitely PO this piece.

I sure hope they nail him. In a good way, I mean! :wink1:
I believe averone had seen it in person and he said that this is gonna be everything we have waited for. This is the most important DC collectible for them; they had issues with the bust, I'm sure they won't repeat it for the PF.
BTW, if our worst fears come true, do share your plans of converting him.

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I am really glad that they changed the headsculpt too.
Look soooooooooooooo much better than the early prototype.

I dig it !!!!!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Really bizarre that they made this so that he and the Joker can't be facing each other.

Wow that's a great observation actually. I have not heard anyone mention it and I myself never thought about it. It is a bit strange huh. In fact Poison Ivy too can't realistically face them unless you just tilted her completely to the side, which would look a bit lame. In the end, you'll have all three lined up together each in their own world. A bit of a shame actually.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I'm glad the cape is sculpted, everytime I think of a cloth cape for Batman I see the pic of the DC Direct piece in my head which is a disaster IMO. I would have prefered him to not have pj's but will wait for the full reveal to see how it turns out.
Nah man pjs are where it's at! I'm interested to see better pics of the cape, at the moment I'm thinking a cloth one with wire trim would be better for more posableness but wotevs can't wait for the full reveal.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

It could. But, it might not.

Put him on a shelf above the clown and it will look like he's ready to come down on him before he gets the chance to draw that sword.

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