SSC Beachhead

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I bought the exclusive version to keep MISB (ducks) so now I have to get another one to open from BBTS.
Beachhead is pretty damn amazing. Seriously think this is the best paint job in this line so far and this line has had some awesome paint jobs.
Then there's no excuse to not be taking and posting thousands of pictures. :lecture

Hey, I am just saying it is easier to complain rather than praise. Some people are very passionate about stuff. It is easier for them find things wrong than be like "WOW!!" This is the first figure I think that they hit out of the park since Gandalf the Grey. Don't worry. There will be plenty of photos. :1-1:
this is the best mold of BH

Is the guy on the lower left a Funskool version? I've got the Nightforce one. I probably have 10 or 15 different figures based on the Firefly mold.
sweet!!! i left a note telling UPS to forge my signature and throw the package in my garage........and he did it!!!!! OH, GLORIOUS DAY!!!!

i'll be opening him in a little bit.
After setting him up and looking him over the only complaint I have with him is he doesn't come with enough clips and such to fill out his gear. I almost went and grabbed extras that I hadn't used with other figures on him. Otherwise this figure is freaking fantastic.
That is a complaint of mine too. Why give him 6 big pockets on his vest and only 4 extra magazines for them. And I think the 3 pouches above those on the left side could hold pistol magazines as well. So thats a good 4-7 more magazines he should have come with. Too bad TA usually sells the magazines with the guns and/or pouches.
A figure you don't need to do anything extra to get his classic look. All I did was add a piece of fabric on his shoulder since the beret is way too large. The fabric matches his plastic beret better.

The Elite sculpt is pretty kewl, I'll use it from time to time. Great paint job. A few speckles on his temple as well, but not too bad.

Only nickpit is I think they should have dropped the magazine pouches under his armpits. I don't think you could drop the arms down good enough if they did inclue magazines for them.

Anyway, here are some quick pics. It's been raining here the last 2 days so no daylight pics . . . . .









Clips? WTF is a clip? oh you mean magazine, newb~*

Yeah my bad.

That is a complaint of mine too. Why give him 6 big pockets on his vest and only 4 extra magazines for them. And I think the 3 pouches above those on the left side could hold pistol magazines as well. So thats a good 4-7 more magazines he should have come with. Too bad TA usually sells the magazines with the guns and/or pouches.

I had to double check the box to make sure I hadn't dropped anything. Like you I thought about TA but I don't need another gun. Great thing is this is my only complaint about this figure.
Nice shots EF. Like I said earlier, my Elite head had stubble paint on his nose even. And the mask on the regular head was creeping onto his cheeks. I really must have gotten a dud figure with two horrible paint jobs and a bunch of sewing problems.

But I'm really digging the beret on the masked head. Might just do that myself.