^ It IS a good looking figure once the thumbs are fixed...well done.
One thumb took about 5 minutes to heat and twist. The other took almost 15. Worth it. Great figure.
Thanks EF! I'll give it a shot this weekend. I wasn't as patient the first time.
seems you also could just boil some water in the microwave and submerge that part of the hand for 20 seconds... i bet it would be just the same as cooking it w/ a hair dryer for 10 min... don't see any metal in the area that water would negatively effect...
Might do weird things to the paint.
With heat-n-twist, do the thumbs slowly go back to their original (wrong) position?
If the thumb is out of the hand, I may just cut it clean with a scalpel and turn/glue it.
Fixed the thumbs,which took about an hour,mostly due to my breaking the wrist pegs trying to rotate them(damned tee-posts!).Actually,I only broke one of them;my wife was kind enough to make sure I had a matched set.Also cleaned off some of the weathering,using torch fluid(Coleman fuel,one of the pro model-makers secret weapons).Interestingly,some of the "dirt"came off very easily,while some of the spots wouldn't budge;weird...PS