SSC Firefly

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After the dreaded sticky note yesterday, I got home from work to find the box. Took me an hour or so to gear him up.

Aaaaaand... I b****d and moaned about him being so far off from his classic look when he was previewed. The camo head sweetened the deal a bit, and now that I have him geared up and in hand, I must say, I think FF is Sideshow's best Joe release to date.

Now that I'm backpedaling and praising the piece I'll go back to lurking. :rolleyes2
After the dreaded sticky note yesterday, I got home from work to find the box. Took me an hour or so to gear him up.

Aaaaaand... I b****d and moaned about him being so far off from his classic look when he was previewed. The camo head sweetened the deal a bit, and now that I have him geared up and in hand, I must say, I think FF is Sideshow's best Joe release to date.

Now that I'm backpedaling and praising the piece I'll go back to lurking. :rolleyes2

Dont feel bad bro. A lot of us did the exact same thing. Though I still think the tropper is the best figure so far.
Thnx. I never liked the cloth head and replaced as soon as Toy Anxiety got trooper heads in. Think it looks much better.

Missed UPS again today. I love the way they make me wait all day, and then I can't be there for the last five minutes of their shift. :mad:

The fact that your ass is male would keep me from adding you. Cute or not, I have standards and they start and end with one simple prerequisite: It's gotta be a lady's booty. :lecture

Really, I just had to one up Prog. And Tom Cruise.
Why don't you leave a notice that you will pick it up from their facility, then, or for them to drop it off. UPS is a lot more user-friendly in that way than Fed-Ex or USPS in my experience.
using ups website you can tell them you'll pick it up at facility. often if you tell them by 7 they will unload it off the truck that night and you can pick it up after 7 same day.
Because you've never wasted an hour of your lives on G.I. Joe. :cuckoo::lol
it's different when i gotta drive over there in a gas guzzling pick up to get an overpriced figure that should be delivered to my front door. plus sideshow charges for their little "signature only' scheme so basically i'm paying for a service i don't use plus extra gas money on top of that.
Exactly. Considering I'd either have to mug someone for gas money, or just not go to work tonight, I think 'an hour' is a low estimate of what it would cost me.
you guys live in the boonies or what? my ups is 2 miles from my place and this is colorado where almost everything is like 10 miles away.