SSC - Ghost Rider Sixth Scale Figure

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Well in some ways its a relief that this is a pass since it saves me some money. I think my biggest problems are what everyone else is saying, the jacket looks too baggy in the front and at that price point he seems pretty lacking in the accessory department. I think it is also kind of surprising to do a character like this, since without his motorcycle he is really only half complete.
Trim up the leather to more slim v shaped jacket and add studs to shoulders &boots. Add a articulate wire chain change flame on hs that looks like someone holding his flame hair at salon for a wash and include a bike. After them requests i'll buy but for now just a jacket to kitbash or pass ,sorry i love my Ghostrider.
If only he looked like this:


... instead of this:


Seeing your picture comparrison actually makes me hate the original chaps. They are bad on their own, but when you see what could have been....
I'm just surprised that sideshow is posting up a preorder for him and they have only completed him half way and they've messed him up especially a character like this: no bike or diorama that we can sit him on and the chaps not really liking how they end there he needs boots that cover his shins. Anyways glad I saw this thread and saw that this figure went up for predorder today because if I hadn't I wouldn't have found out that Hot Toys is making Agents of Shield: Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes. Even though I signed up for HT's newsletter and updated it just to be sure they've got the right email way before their new Ghost Rider announcement I didn't receive this info or maybe they don't give you news on upcoming figures. Bad figure Sideshow hope there are more prototype pics coming soon because from what they show now they aren't really convincing. No buy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Hot Toys!
I'm just surprised that sideshow is posting up a preorder for him and they have only completed him half way and they've messed him up especially a character like this: no bike or diorama that we can sit him on and the chaps not really liking how they end there he needs boots that cover his shins. Anyways glad I saw this thread and saw that this figure went up for predorder today because if I hadn't I wouldn't have found out that Hot Toys is making Agents of Shield: Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes. Even though I signed up for HT's newsletter and updated it just to be sure they've got the right email way before their new Ghost Rider announcement I didn't receive this info or maybe they don't give you news on upcoming figures. Bad figure Sideshow hope there are more prototype pics coming soon because from what they show now they aren't really convincing. No buy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Hot Toys!
I'll continue to work on my very early custom

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The flames somehow look like hair plopped down on top of his head to me - reminds me of Syndrome from the Incredibles. There seems to be darkened shading under the flames, causing a huge separation from the skull that looks so bizarre. Considering flames emit light I don't know why there would be shading there. That's beyond the juggalo pants, lack of accesories etc. The jacket has a cool design, but I think SSC needs to buy some DAM Toys figures, take them apart and take some serious notes on the tailoring.
Really wanted a 1/6th scale Ghost Rider... I don't hate it, but **** I want them to work on this a bit more, but their Daredevil doesn't get me much hope. I will probably still pre order it in hopes it improves, though I don't think I have to worry about GR selling out before I grab him. It's not like this is hot toys batfleck. I think I might see how AoS Ghost Rider looks before I commit. Though I wanted a Blaze figure...
His outfit just looks so bizarre. Both in fitting and the design. Looks like he's got a pair of JNCO pants on with the crotch area cut out.
I think he has potential to be pretty good, not worth what they are asking given the current design but hes pretty close to being a great figure. The elephant in the room as it always is with Sideshow is the baggy clothes, Sideshow's design department seems to reside in a world of loose clothing and oversized heads, also they really need to at least CONSIDER what their fanbase says. I understand not wanting to pander to fanboy whining and redo an entire figures worth of design elements but a perfect example of a company that quietly watches and responds to customer requests and suggestions is the current Kickstarter for the Four Horsemens's Mythic Legions line.
SS made it to around 20 figures for the Joe line, I have my doubts this line will make it that far. I had the highest hopes for this line... skinny Daredevil and goth marching band leader jacket and JNCO jeans Ghost Rider... woof.