Amazing work as always SS!To bad SSC couldn't have bothered to bring their A or even B game on this one. I'm worried about Freddy and those claws now. "Oh, they are supposed to be warped and broken. Ours in the office are."
Sideshow used to be king at this hobby. They're barely invited to court anymore. So sad. Makes me glad I didn't manage to get a Thanos Ex order in. I can't imagine the QC nightmares that thing is going to have and at $1200+ it ought to be PERFECT.
Their problem is they won't admit their production screwed up and they go on the defensive.
The chevron off center. SS-oh it's supposed to be like that.
The foot falls off. SS-oh you're not using the stand right.
There is a head/neck gap when it's posed. SS-oh your not posing it right.
The right arm joint is loose. SS-oh the right arm is supposed to hang down.
It's such a shame. Back when they made the old Part 3 Jason they gave us the padding, larger/taller base figure and head sculpt for $40. $210 later what do you get? A bunch of excuses for QC issues.