SSC Luke Skywalker Snowspeeder Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

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a sculpt that looks like it fell out of the back of a turnip truck (HT's humans minus Leia)

Your hyperbole is unrivaled.

It's pretty obvious on the new human SW figures why their prices are cheaper - the quality stinks. Clothing is not even close to the level of Sideshow's latest efforts (let alone when you compare to Threezero and some others) and the sculpts are downright terrible. I feel like I'm stuck in some Twilight Zone where people prefer Taco Bell to a Michelin Star-awarded menu.

You don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about.
Where can I get true type caliber bodies appropriate for luke at $15-20?.

For characters other than Luke, all the generic "Narrow Shoulder" bodies I've bought are at least as good as the current generation of same-shaped HT's bodies. For Luke you'd ideally want a slim style body and I lucked out with a different brand and had one here already (it was a $20 purchase but I can't remember who I bought it from). A good clone of a TTM-22 Slim was $40 shipped up until a few weeks ago and is today about $50 (there's only one person selling them and they control the price). But most people would be happy with a swap to a Prometheus 1.0.

Another alternative is just swapping the bodies between Luke and Han if you've lucked out and have two different ones - Also putting Luke on a $350 Tauntaun hides the height discrepancy and is still more affordable than a new head and clothing for a HT OT SW figure. :)
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Both companies can be hit and miss when it comes to a particular line or "perception" but overall HT wins. Look at the overall lines that were produced vs time being in the industry. Both companies have considerable time invested in 1/6 scale figures.

Personally I think the MOS superman, iron man, Batman...etc. figures were awesome and beyond any level SS has yet to achieve. Respectfully.
Star Wars aside, I look at some of other SS lines over the years. Drake, Ash, Indy...and realize that while perfectly acceptable, they aren't quite as "there" as HT. I'm sure with future releases, the companies will eventually align. But to call them undisputed kings is pretentious as many folks are even disputing the comment. Lol
This is a thread about a Sideshow figure and I came here to read and write about the figure. It never fails that any time a SSC thread comes around it has to be a Hot Toys fan party and throwing SSC under the bus - even before the figure is shown in proto form. My comments regarding HT aren't out of hate as I have plenty of HT figures I love and I don't paint the entire company as an abject failure because they've released an inordinate amount of turds in their OT SW line. SW clearly isn't where they focus most of their energy and it's clear to see where corners are being cut in production to maximize return.

Every company has hits and misses - that's the ultimate point. There's nothing subjective about evaluating the qualitative factors of a product. It's easy to verify if the fabric selection is wrong or if the cut of a garment is incorrect or if a figure's face looks like the actor who portrayed the character on screen.

I'm happy this figure is being made, and given the releases that have come from HT and SSC for "STAR WARS" in the past two years, I'm stoked it's a Sideshow release.
Love how Pix gets riled up when we express our opinions The other 99% objectively disagrees and he gets irate and condescending because he feels we share a common bias?
Meanwhile, posting "again, the undisputed kings..."

I'm leaving this thread now. I have too much to do as "I am the greatest." Lol
How many turds are we talking about? 3 turds?

3 out of 4 heroes is a pretty bad average. And that 4th still needs better clothing - the clothing is a pretty significant part of the figure. It's a huge shame, because I know they're fully capable of delivering, they just haven't been for whatever reasons (to which one can only speculate).

WRT Snowspeeder Luke, let's see how this guy packs-out on the 31st. I'm expecting him to be a little more flush with parts than Red 5 and come with a new sculpt with significantly improved paint.

SSC has produced lots of figures I really enjoy. But when I look at my collection there is not a single factory ssc human head sculpt that I would display without a hat, a hood, or something shading or drawing attention from the face/paint. Not a single one.
SSC has produced lots of figures I really enjoy. But when I look at my collection there is not a single factory ssc human head sculpt that I would display without a hat, a hood,

SSC Hoth figures have hats :) Old Ben has has a fantastic repaint and I've replaced HT's Han and Luke heads. Everything's golden in the melon department right now. Some replacement parts and paint for Han's clothing/accessories fixes him up from the front/sides (that velcro on the back is a sore spot) and just need to get new clothes made for Farmboy Luke and Leia.
SSC Hoth figures have hats :)

Damn right they do, and I have them sitting out with the tauntaun and probe droid. And I hope ssc turns the corner regarding paint and quality of the bodies, I'm not rooting against them. Competition is good for consumers in any industry. In fact I think it would be better for collectors if ssc and hot toys had no connection to each other whatsoever.
so, this is what we can expect from Sideshow?

remove the snow effect, and elvis1976 did all the work for us to visualize it... and if Sideshow does a good job, we may even get a more faithful sculpt.


Did anyone see those pictures of the SW: Rogue One cast receiving Hot Toys SW figures from Disney as a wrap gift?

So I think we know which 1/6 company DISNEY is most proud of and considers the King.
Did anyone see those pictures of the SW: Rogue One cast receiving Hot Toys SW figures from Disney as a wrap gift?

So I think we know which 1/6 company DISNEY is most proud of and considers the King.

I wouldn't mind seeing the pictures. Which figures did they get?

Never mind, saw you added it while i was posting. Thats cool. Hope they start announcing more figures.
Going to stamp bust on this one. If you check out hot toys official website. Search by license you'll find Boba Fett 1/4 and 1/6 under Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi License.

"We are extremely excited to officially announce today, Hot Toys has acquired the right to manufacture 1/6th scale and 1/4th scale collectible figures from the STAR WARS universe, including the upcoming highly anticipated Star Wars Episode VII that is set to hit theatres in December, 2015."

"We would like to add that this does NOT include The Empire Strikes Back. We've done SW, ROTJ and TFA, but we chose not to go with ESB and we will keep the reasons to ourselves."

Really, the anti-HT stuff gets old though, PP.... It's subjective, so you have every reason to love SS and hate HT, but your statements are hyperbole and in no way add to this or any thread.

Well, honestly - there is so much blind pro-HT and anti-SSC hyperbole, why call him out for it? The constant anti-SSC stuff doesn't get old?

I get pretty sick of this standard "Meh, but it's SSC - I'll wait for HT" mocking comment we've seen for the past year. Based on what? Richard Hatch as Han Solo? Slightly Asian generic old guy as Ben Kenobi (thank goodness he has a white beard, right)?

Yes, like Chewy, if you have them look down and tweak the harsh downlight just right you get your "aha! there he is!" moment. Well, I hate to tell, you - you can do the same thing with the HT Indy sculpt - a huge miss that with a lot of work and the lighting and angle *just right* you get a decent HF likeness. You can probably do the same with a random potato.

And the HT clothing? Luke's sculpted rubber gaiters (yes, SSC's old-school figure did actual cloth wrappings) and featureless tunic that's nearly topped by Hasbro's effort (seriously), or Ben's translucent Hotel bathrobe as inner robes, or Leia's too-short nylon Barbie sleeping bag as dress? I mean Leia's just a head and a dress and they only delivered on the better half of that. And with weapons and accessories, SSC is pretty much HT's equal in most cases - no matter what the fanboys say.

This new Luke figure actually really looks decent. It's one that a lot of people want. And yes, I criticize SSC frequently - when they deserve it. I was the one who a certain forum administrator recently hit with double negative Reputation one after another (bet you didn't even know that was possible, right?:lol) for my "negativity" and "trolling" concerning the SSC Luke X-Wing. But I just get tired of people constantly writing off or mocking Sideshow as a first knee-jerk reaction to anything they do when to me, HT can be just as consistently underwhelming.

While there's been many bright spots and the Leia head looks amazing, overall I'd give HT a 7/10 for their efforts so far compared to what I had expected at the start. Yes, I can list off at least a dozen things SSC has done in the past year that I have HATED (the top of the list like everyone being the proto/production head mismatch and their stupid pricing) - but I keep an open mind to anything from both companies. It may be cool to rag on Sideshow instantly these days but to me it just shows blind brand bias, not true appreciation of 1/6 quality or accuracy.