So it can achieve that look. Awesome! Thanks for taking a pic. 

That’s one pose that unfortunately I don’t think the HT Luke Jedi deluxe will be able to achieve because of the fixed neck / head sculpt. Unless someone can correct me? I actually want to be wrong about this because that’s the exact pose I’m after![]()
But I am having a lot more fun goofing around with the SSC Luke. There's just so many iconic looks you can get out of this guy.
Hmmm can't say I blame you, awesome ROTJ hero Luke Skywalker figure or, depressing cranky old loser TLJ Jake Skywalker. No contest.I've been enjoying this figure so much that I've barely spent any time with the TLJ Luke that I received the same week.
Hmmm can't say I blame you, awesome ROTJ hero Luke Skywalker figure or, depressing cranky old loser TLJ Jake Skywalker. No contest.
Sorry couldn't resist.
I don't even consider the sequels canon. They are horrible IMO especially TLJ.
As much as I love the character I cannot support Disney's SW I won't buy Jake.
Couldn’t resist, but still goes on... [emoji6] well, it IS canon and you can suck it! ...Hehe, whatever. It’s just movies. unlike IRL you can believe whatever you want with no consequences. [emoji4]
(...I personally enjoy the direction Disney has taken SW more and more, so I can sleep well at night [emoji6] ...though I still stick more or less to collecting OT. But guess that’s just a matter of time [emoji51])
Yeah I've never been too concerned about whatever is considered canon. I can accept the prequels as being official canon while still thinking they're terrible movies that should be ignored as much as possible, and while the new books and comics may be considered canon it's not something I have any desire to follow or keep up on. For me it just comes down to "SW movies and stories I like" and those that I don't.
They're not "just movies" its Star Wars the greatest IP ever. Unless your referring to the sequels then yes they are just movies, unimaginative, uninteresting and not very good movies filled with identity politics and virtue signaling. That is just my opinion which I am entitled to so you suck it and go play with your Admiral Holdo figure Hehe.![]()
Well, that’s what I’m saying. You can imagine whatever you want. And entitlement seem to be a virtue for a lot of SW fans.
I like all that “unimaginative, uninteresting and not very good movies filled with identity politics and virtue signaling” stuff, so to me I’m fine with that being canon. And I don’t even have to imagine it.
...and I highly doubt that the sequels will ever be non-canon. Just like ESB, ROTJ and the prequels - all of those were spit on by entitled fans too. ...but we’ll see what the future brings us.
...btw, I do agree with some of the criticism these movies get. Like I agree with some (a lot) of the criticism the older movies get. So, Holdo is one of the things I really disliked. It should have been Ackbar!
That's the point though - we aren't even entitled to have an opinion.![]()
People who didn't like TLJ were told all kinds of despicable things that "explained" their negative opinion - they were attacked and called some of the worst things imaginable. THAT's the entitlement we're actually talking about here - being a longtime fan of anything just makes you a target today - you're old, you hate change, your "views" are distorted by some *ahem* issues, you're a troll-hater, you're vastly outnumbered, you're stuck in the past, you stand with Russia.![]()
No, you're NOT entitled to simply dislike anything that the machine serves up - there has to be a "reason" you don't like it. And the social mood, the era entitles a sizable segment of the media and a small, vocal subset of fans to very openly, bald-faced, go on the offensive with offensive ****.
You know... seen from a more objective stand point - since I haven’t really wanting to go into this whole discussion and do see some of the flaws - I think that ‘the other side’ could easily say the same thing as you do. So much dumb **** has been said by both sides. And honestly, a small vocal subset of fans? that case that small subset takes up most of the room.
That's the point though - we aren't even entitled to have an opinion.![]()
People who didn't like TLJ were told all kinds of despicable things that "explained" their negative opinion - they were attacked and called some of the worst things imaginable. THAT's the entitlement we're actually talking about here - being a longtime fan of anything just makes you a target today - you're old, you hate change, your "views" are distorted by some *ahem* issues, you're a troll-hater, you're vastly outnumbered, you're stuck in the past, you stand with Russia.![]()
No, you're NOT entitled to simply dislike anything that the machine serves up - there has to be a "reason" you don't like it. And the social mood, the era entitles a sizable segment of the media and a small, vocal subset of fans to very openly, bald-faced, go on the offensive with offensive ****.