It's funny - I just yesterday happened to notice my SSC Luke w/Endor helmet head and thought - meh, dat face.
It's a weird sculpt/head for sure - when I see it for the first time in a while it's a negative reaction but I pick it up and repose etc and it seems cool again.

It really does have a decent amount of Hamill in there.
I almost wonder how this SSC Luke Jedi face would fare in say the Hoth hat or X-Wing helmet - ie where it neither had the original hair nor the Endor helmet as surrounds. The hair is weird (too coarsely sculpted and painted maybe) and the endor helmet is unfortunately a little on the small side.
Re: the post above, I honestly can't say how anyone could prefer the SSC head to the HT one - while there's a lot I like about the SSC head, they really are in different classes to me. But I do love that this fig has found some fans, and there are several aspects that are clearly superior to the HT version.