Super Freak
The Destroyer isn't chrome in the movie so why would ss make it that way? The colour they used is pretty close.

I think chrome looks like crap
The Destroyer isn't chrome in the movie so why would ss make it that way? The colour they used is pretty close.
The Destroyer isn't chrome in the movie so why would ss make it that way? The colour they used is pretty close.
I cant pull the trigger on him cause I hate that cheesy nameplate duno what they were thinking there.I like the Destroyer but do not care for the nameplate on the base.
I cant pull the trigger on him cause I hate that cheesy nameplate duno what they were thinking there.
Ah the name plate is ok. Does not bother me at all. Get it he's awesome and huge!
Is the Thor PF in scale with the SS Destroyer? Looking at the scene in the Thor movie, where the Destroyer comes face to face with Thor( before he back hands Thor), looks like the Destroyer is almost double the size of Thor. More like in scale with the 12" HT Thor.
What do you guys think? In scale with the HT Thor or the SS PF Thor?
I don't think the PF is in scale with the Destroyer. The Destroyer would have to be a bit bigger. I was quite impressed with both the Destroyer and the PF but I just don't have the room anymore with all the awesome coming out of the SW line which is my main focus on my collection.