Hiya Turbo, welcome to the world of Freaks. Some of the 'old timers' have been around a LONG time, and actually know a lot about how Sideshow does business, which is why they like to help out with answering questions. This is in no way an official Sideshow board, I just happen to be a member here and help out when I can (which really isn't that often
) - it's a fan board, so we like to let the fans discuss with little to no 'official' interference. (Think of my presence as less of an 'official' presence, and more of a 'fellow fan with some inside info' presence
Sometimes we have time to come in and answer specific questions... more oftentimes, we don't. Obviously, the best place to look for answers is on the official Sideshow site, or through Customer Service. You can always use the Customer Service request form located through our Help Desk if you have a really pressing question that needs answering, if it's not getting answered on the board. Link:
https://www.sideshowtoy.com/custserv/ Again, the Freaks board is NOT the place to ask questions that can be more efficiently answered by contacting us directly.
I am officially the 'Communications Coordinator' at Sideshow and I'm on the Web/E-Commerce Team - my duties include drafting the weekly Newsletter, running all the online contests, and more web-specific duties. Maybe 'fan liaison' would be a good description, although that's not all I do
I can't answer a lot of questions, but I CAN pass them on so that they get in front of the correct eyes. And believe me, I do that - it's a safe bet to assume that most topics of discussion that appear on this board (ESPECIALLY the controversial ones) have been seen by various, high-level Sideshow managers
Most of all, this place is just really fun, and I would miss it wasn't here