"Its a long road

When you're on your own...

When I first started collecting 1:6 scale movie figures 14 years ago I always wanted this version of John J. I know Hot Toys had done one before I started collecting and it was always a lot more expensive so it was one I "missed the window" and I always hoped and waited for HT to do a 2.0 which never happened. Thanks to the artists involved and Sly himself to start his own brand! And what a start it is. I didn't know what to expect with this release as it's their first from the new Slystalloneshop company. Producing his own figures from his movies. But I'm happy to say I'm overall impressed. In pics it's hard to really capture the likeness but in person it's definitely there. I'll be posting a video shortly which makes it look a lot better. Weathering is great. The jeans and jacket look nice and lived in. The sleeping bag has stains on it. Even his dog tags have his name and info on them. The knife (not pictured, I placed it in the small of his back where he carried it at the beginning of the film) though it would have been nice to have diecast, the paint work pulls off the metal look great.
Minor issues I have are:
•The post card that comes in the box with the artists credits was crushed when they inserted the tray so it's bent and I won't be displaying it now.
•The section of the head where it meets the neck could be a bit more flush. But minor modding will fix that.
Otherwise I'm happy! Yet another company delivering the classic icons that Hot Toys have decided to pass on. I look forward to seeing their next Rambo and future Rocky figures!

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