The body looks fourth year size (about Medicom size, actually), and the first year head looks very creepy on top of it.
Aaand pass... I was figuring these were grey market and around $100. Not seeing $200 worth of figure here.
Grey market? You mean bootlegs? At first because I never heard of the company and so many people post bootleg **** on here I thought it was. But with the WB logo on pics and they use real names of character and actor andnow price, these are real.
I just hope they can get to the eyes of the Potter fans, if they market it right, this line could be huge.
Hope they paint the hair by neck better.
I think the reason it looks creepy or odd is because its a kid. Everything is adult heroes, slutty women and badass evil dudes.
These appear to be legitimately licensed, I'm making some inquiries. Their website has spots for 1st year Ron and Hermione too. As well as that elusive Potter character - Steve McQueen.
Well it's nice to have another company for competition, but doesn't help they are at HT prices off the bat. Like I said earlier, if they can market these out than just toy sites, Potter fans will eat these up and we could get a lot of cool figures. So many possibilities, im pretty excited.
I like the pic with the sorting hat. Hope the box art is nice. So many ways to do it.
well I am excited for this figure. I am have been waiting for some good Harry Potter Collectibles since the Gentle Giant line. and I am a huge 1/6 scale fan! pertty stoked for this figure! does anyone know when they will be releasing it?