I just recieved mine and I love it, I think he looks awesome. Looking forward to getting the Kraken, Talos and the Rhedosaurus. Hoping the Medusa isn’t far off, but I saw they just announced Gwangi, so they must be saving her as they probably know that will be their biggest selling piece.
It's way overpriced but so is everything in this hobby. That video you posted at the top of the page is a good representation of it. Did you order it? Why not just wait until you get it to decide if you like it or not? Pics on these forums are so friggin' misleading; there's distortion, color issues, etc. It's the best Cyclops on the market but yeah, everything's overpriced. This should have been around $240.00 but it's not going back. I really like it.
I did. i ordered ALL of them aside from the Dinos. Then i cancelled ALL of them. the DX is available everywhere still, if it's great and im available to purchase at that time im gonna pick it up.
I do agree it's the best Cyclops, but so far for me the pics fell a little flat. we'll see. im not saying i won't get it, but if i do and i'll share pics and share my honest opinion.
Yeah sorry mate, mine is back in the box, have no room to display him until we move into a bigger place.do you have any pics to share?