Ditto to this ^
On a side note, we did a little early xmas exchange with some friends this past Saturday. My gift was a complete MOC set of the first Playmates DS9 wave. You better believe I cut all those guys out of their little plastic prisons ASAP and had a ball!
On ANOTHER side note, I met up with a friend recently that had the Diamond Select Bird of Prey, Enterprise-B, and Excelsior. I have all the other ships up to this point, but without anywhere to display them I've been lax on getting the newer releases. The BoP is just plain amazing, the only glaring problem being the lack of any disguise of the LED bulb in the front of the "head." The Excelsior and B, though, are pretty disappointing in that they're SO tiny. The scaling of the ship line has always been necessarily off, but the TOS Enterprise, Ent-A, D and E all felt in a reasonable-ish scale with each other, but the B is so tiny compared to the Ent-A that it's just plain sad. Disappointed on that one. Which is funny considering the BoP's wingspan probably puts it close to the massive Ent-D in size. Not really sure what they were thinking. Maybe there's some sort of length limit on these ships for production or shipping purposes? The B would've had to be much longer than it is wide.