Star Trek: TOS/TWOK/Into Darkness head sculpts and uniforms

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Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

What list?Sorry to disappoint you all, but this is a 1-off.I just don't have the resources to mass produce(and by mass-produce, I mean more than 1).I suppose I could run dupes of my working drawings, but I somehow think that would be un-acceptable.
The rocker switches and intercom are now finished;in fact , almost all the little stuff is done.Just the left side button panel, then paint, run the lights(a grain of wheat in each arm, batteries under the seat) and assemble...PS
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

Ah well, great looking project. Maybe someone will eventually do a captain's chair production run.
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

Nanjin is making Captain's chairs as part of his Trek offerings. I believe TOS and TWOK versions are in the works.
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

Couldn't say;he hasn't posted anything lately. However, I,on the other hand, have been busy...

The seat,with the wooden arms...

LIGHTS!As you can see,a simple system(2 grain-of-wheats and a AA battery carrier).The removable seat serves nicely as a battery cover.

The 2nd left arm panel(3 hours work).Attempt #1 was not acceptable...
The Official Pix...




Just trying it on for size...
Overall, I'm very happy with how it's turned out.It might be off in a few minor details, but nothing that would be noticed by 98% of potential viewers. Hell, my wife is impressed(which means that her figures will no doubt start appearing on it in the near future...
As I've gotten a little tired of the boys standing around naked, I'm acquiring some cheap duds for them.So far, Kirk is wearing a Playmates"pike"uniform($10,ToysRus).Bones has a "Ken"blue uniform on the way.Spock remains to be dealt with...PS
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

oh holy MOLEY!!!!
that's absolutely stunning!!! yup.

colour me jealous as all get out!!!
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

With the chair done, I'm turning to a new accessory...Phasers.After a bit of searching for a drawing in proper scale,I decide to just pull numbers of my full scale version and "do it the hard way".So far, Phaser 1 is coming along nicely;a few more details and I'll be ready to start on Phaser 2. P1 will be detachable from P2,as per the "official"design. Pix when I have a chance...PS

one more thing;unlike the chair,I will be molding this...
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

As promised,pix of Phaser 1...

In hand(Kirk's,to be precise).
Having an accurate full-scale pattern to work from is so much easier.The pattern is the excellent model kit produced by Lincoln Enterprises about 15 years ago;I believe it's still available,with the emitter and several other parts chromed.I plan to detail the emitter a bit more once I have the fit nailed down.On to Phaser 2!...PS
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

Not one comment? Damn, you guys are tough to impress...PS
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

I think it's pretty sweet. It would be great if they could have the little Velcro patches on their pants for them to stick to.
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

Actually, they used magnets to keep 'em in place.Communicators from Next Gen were also magnets when they had to be removed on camera.I believe Nanjin used magnets on his sets;still a ways to go before I have to address THAT particular problem...PS
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

Okay guys everything is back on track and my mom made some uniforms today. She did some gold command tunics that I’m going to put the delta and braid on tomorrow. She’s also working out the pattern for the green captain casual uniform tomorrow.

I’ll post pictures and prices later.
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

Hey,I'm not alone here!Glad to read things are back on track.Looking forward to pix...PS
Re: Star Trek TOS head sculpts

Actually, they used magnets to keep 'em in place.Communicators from Next Gen were also magnets when they had to be removed on camera.I believe Nanjin used magnets on his sets;still a ways to go before I have to address THAT particular problem...PS

Actually, it was velcro in both cases.





And this site is awesome, it's really the most authoritative site out there on the original communicators. Look about halfway down to see the section on velcro:

That isn't to say they didn't try other things as well. Early TOS episodes had a phaser "belt" that was tucked into, but didn't work too well, and in TNG and the subsequent shows many of the phasers and tricorders were attached with hooks. But I don't recall magnets ever being used - they wouldn't stand up to running, etc. There were a few situations where magnets were used if a character was written to pull off their comm badge or rank pips, but that wasn't an everyday occurrence.

Nanjin's magnets, though, work flawlessly :)

EDIT: Whoops! I see now that you mentioned the magnets used in TNG when the badges were removed, which is 100% right!