Star Trek: TOS/TWOK/Into Darkness head sculpts and uniforms

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And Kor is finished(mostly)...

Spenser gave me a great head sculpt and uniform to work with;just glad I could do them justice...

Almost looks like John Colicos dropped by in costume,doesn't it?

Wielding his Disruptor,which really would go better in a right hand,but I'm still looking to replace the "fist"...

Hangin' with the crew(and Boris).
As with all the rest I've enjoyed myself tremendously working on Kor.As a long time Trek-and-Toy fan,these figures have hit all the right notes from the get-go, and I must yet again throw the main credit to Spenser for producing such fine pieces and making them available to the rest of us.My hat is off to you ,sir.LLAP...PS
Yet another bump.Spock has been re-bodied onto a COOmodels tall narrow-shouldered body,which is sturdier than his old Buck,fits the uniform better and allows for a bit more variety in height. A nice side benefit is that Kor now has a "gun hand"for his right arm;the COO body comes with 3 1/2 sets of hands;as the body matches HT skin tone,they match my paint job on the head beautifully. Pix ASAP...PS
I believe I have found an AA female body that might just work for Uhura.I will share the results of this experiment,of course...PS
The results are positive(wait,what?).The AA body has the right height and general proportions to work as Uhura. SMG Customs does a pretty decent female "Space Explorer"uniform,so the project will proceed.Pix and details as they become available...PS
I have the SMG Customs uniform on a Triad Alpha. It looks OK, although headless, but it a bit tall. I would love to get a Uhura sculpt from someone.

The SMG uniform has arrived,and looks pretty good on the AA body.It actually is a pretty good match to the "enlisted"grade female uniform(pity that Uhura is an officer).Still,it'll do. As to the sculpt,she will probably be my "winter project",so stay tuned;if I don't post her here I'll start a separate thread for her...PS
And here she is,so far...
The boots are from a "Danger Girl" figure;not sure where the pantyhose came from.Her rank braids are left-overs from Sulu(courtesy of Spenser).The sculpt is proceeding slowly;I have a good start on the wax,using my "Leia v.1"as a starting point.Granted,Carrie Fisher looks about as much like Nichelle as I do,but the sculpt has good general contours and size,as well as great ears(Yes,I can sculpt them ;I just don't need to).Besides,it's the only female mold I have...PS

Any action on that badge,Spens?...P
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To mightyq;clear some space in your Inbox so I can send you that info(it is apparently full at present).
In other news,Uhura's head is massed up and I plan on working on it today.I'll get pix(including the pattern,which I have tinted to bring out the details)ASAP...PS
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As promised,pix of my progress...

Nichelle is starting to show through.Obviously she has a ways to go,but I'm comfortable with her progress so far.Once she's molded and cast her head will be more in scale with her body. As you can see,I have a great pattern to work from...I seem to have hijacked Spenser's thread:hope he doesn't mind...PS
More progress on the sculpt this weekend;she's almost there.I have reached that excruciating point where I have to be extremely careful that i don't over-correct and screw up the sculpt(yes,I'll take pix)...PS
And here they are...

As you can see,she's really coming along nicely...

Don't think I need to do too much more to the face;just finish up the hair...
Profile;this one showed me the main problem the sculpt had-neck socket was too far back(which I have now corrected).This has proven to be a challenging project,as I'm not all that comfortable with human likenesses(especially females);seeing her turn out so well has been goods for my confidence...PS
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I feel a bump is required today to honor the memory of Leonard Nimoy,who gave all of us an ideal to strive to;a life of reason and curiosity.I certainly spent my adolescence trying like hell to be Spock(my wife maintains I was too successful)and deeply regret never having the opportunity to have met the man. May his spirit find peace...PS
Not yet;the sculpt is still not finished.And I must disagree with you on the likeness question.If the likeness is recognizable without color then you know you've nailed it;this was the standard we worked to when I was working in the model shop,and i still live by it.And,for the record,the sculpt is orange Wax...PS
I will be pulling a mold(I have to;the sculpt is wax)so castings are definitely happening.I'll start thinking about pricing(along with the thousand or so other things I have to think about)...PS
Again? Okay,for the last time;I'm not interested in making another one, and if I were,you wouldn't like the price...PS