Star Trek: TOS/TWOK/Into Darkness head sculpts and uniforms

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Time for a bump,because stuff has happened...
Picked up a fitting for the pressure gauge on the pot,so I might actually be able to try it out within the foreseeable future.Added a layer of foam padding to Kirk's abdomen,so he looks a bit more "Shatnerly"(yes,I'm making up words;sue me);also,my wife finished his face,and his head is now back where it belongs...
Finally,I have applied the last color coat to the Enterprise;just have to seal,weather,re-seal,decal, seal yet again and do final assembly,with a target date of Sept. 2(the big 50)for completion(can he do it?)...P
'Nutter bump...
Uhura is pretty much stagnant;our seamstress is involved in a large scale relocation,and doesn't expect to be settled until at least Oct.,so no need to hurry on the other aspects of the project(though I did pick up a QMX pad for her,courtesy of Toy Anxiety).However...
the Enterprise is finished;paint and decals look good,shot-etch adhering nicely,and the 35 year old circuit board continues to perform like a champ(yes,I will post a picture or 2)...PS
As promised,the Enterprise...

I just wish I could post a vid of her so folks could see that old board doin'it's thing...PS
The pattern has potential revisions coming.I got"Star Trek Costumes"for my birthday,and,of course,it has a full 2 page spread devoted to Nichelle's 2nd season costume,which is substantially different from the original design(no spirals).Need to decide if I should stick with the original or work up the revised(and simpler)pattern.I'll keep you informed.I also have to figure out my new pressure pot;got the pressure gauge resolved,now just have to work out how to hook it up...PS
I understand, I like the simple version myself, Ironman sent me some patterns I'm going to try including a nurse Chapel uniform.
I wanted to do a Khan. That's superb work :clap

Are you making it available or is it just a one off for yourself?
The auction was pulled due to an "error in the listing".

The frown face was because I can't stand seeing someone commission a piece to just turn around and sell it at crazy prices. I know that is their right, but it doesn't mean it won't irk me.
Do you remember what he was asking for it? He commissioned another one.

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