Sorry to dig up a REALLY OLD topic, but I hated to start a new one when it belongs here. I have been disappointed that I haven't been able to access the high res shots that used to be linked on SS site for each 12" item. Maybe this is old news to everyone else, but I was playing around on the SS site last night and discovered how to access all the SS pics in high res using the link posted by Sachiel in the Utapau Clone thread (Thanks a million for that by the way!). If you use this link: and simply change the item number and the "press0_" you can access all the 12" Star Wars figure images in high res. For instance to get the Darth Vader pics in high res, change the number 2176 (Utapau Clone-Regular) in the link to 21291 (Darth Vader-Exclusive) and the "press05" number to "press01" so that it looks like this: The "press0_" is just the number of the shot, menaing "press01" is shot 1 and "press02" is shot 2 and so on. To find out the item number, just pull up the page of the item on the SS site and the item number is the last number (sku) in the address: Darth Vader Exclusive = = 21291. I've found that for the exclusives there are only 1 or 2 high res pics for each item and the majority of the item's high res shots are tied to the regular version meaning that if you want most of Vader's shots, you will have to use the Regular version's item number (2129). I wanted to try to find the older shots of the Utapau Clone in high res, but it seems that if the pics are no longer on the SS site, then they can't be accessed. So once a figures prototype pics are changed to production pics, then the prototype pics are gone for good.
Hope this all makes sense. I always prefer the high res shots because there is so much more that you can see about the figure (some good, some bad). I also download all of them and use them as my screen saver. Hope I'm not creating a monster here, by people pulling up the high res shots and complaining about more stuff with more figures. That is certainly not my intent. Just thought you guys would like to know how to see the high res shots if you didn't already know. Now, if any of you already knew this shame on you for not already sharing it!