You didn't enjoy Empire as much because you watched the new, butchered version of it on Blu-Ray!!!! Awful Fett voice, ruined end sequence pacing by having the new shuttle sequence, Vader's "Bring my shuttle" line replaced, stupid Cloud City crowd added scene and useless CGI, etc!
There are few perfect films but I would say ANH, Empire, Raiders, Jaws, Godfather, E.T. and Fellowship are on my list.
Man, I really need to get you Harmy's original versions bro! Then you can see the real Empire in HD again.
Well said Kev! SW is iconic in every way. Every single facet of the film just screams classic, from the costumes to the sets to the effects to the props.
Personally, I found ANH to be the modern epic tale of our days.
Sure ESB is better as a movie, but it couldn't be that good if it wasn't a sequel to the original STAR WARS. One built over the other.
It is the best movie of all time.
Agreed. Though you forgot to add, ". . .by people who have never seen Citizen Kane, the Godfather, or the Maltese Falcon."It's amazing how many people pick Empire and Raiders as the best 2.
As well they should be.
It's amazing how many people pick Empire and Raiders as the best 2.
As well they should be.