Why oh why did George not give us a "Captain America: The First Avenger" style montage of Anakin and Obi-Wan just fighting a string of battles on different worlds to showcase their journey and growth and give a ton of cool and exotic moments I'll never know.
By the Prequel Trilogy, there was no one left who could or would tell Lucas he was off the mark or had gone too far off the edge. Francis Ford Coppola and Lucas had, in private, a huge falling out, and that removed a very needed peer/critical voice to reign in Lucas at times. The "blockade" from the Phantom Menace was derivative of the US Navy blockade of Japan in the 1850s. It ushered in the modernization of Japan's military and sped up in how the samurai culture and role in Japanese society was phased out.
If the Holy Trilogy was deep into Kurosawa and Joseph Campbell, the Prequel Trilogy was a failed attempt at Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind. The story Lucas was trying to tell was done better by someone else before. Lucas is great at a lot of things, but he's not David O Selznick. Post Civil War, we are near the wheelhouse timewise, 1860s for GWTW, of Matthew Perry ( the naval officer, not the nimrod from Friends) setting up ships to extort Japan into opening up trade, which would all but guarantee the erosion of the established Japanese way of life.
Gerald O'Hara and Ashley Wilkes, the Southerners in GWTW, who could not move past the drastic changes post Civil War, and it crushed them both, were openly ridiculed and shown as weak and sometimes pathetic. Did Lucas think about that when he set up Mace Windu and Ki Adi Mundi being intentionally obtuse about some fairly obvious realities of the threat against the Jedi and the galaxy at large? Lord Vader then is no longer motivated by his failures in his character, that turns him to the Dark Side. It often looks like he just recognized his current "warrior nobility" culture was kind of pathetic and weak and lacked the will to do what was needed to get the job done. Maybe a better actor than Hayden Christensen, with a better script than the one Lucas wrote, could have sold more of the nuance to a more complex push/pull in the battle for Anakin's soul. Then again, Oliver Stone did that better in Platoon. Private Chris Taylor being drawn to two different father figures, on opposite ends of the moral spectrum. But the evil "father" in Sgt. Barnes was pretty complex. He wasn't just purely evil. You could understand why he behaved as he did. It wasn't as simple as writing him off as a one dimensional villain.
You can't make Gone With The Wind with Darth Vader. In the history of SSF, I'm sure no one has ever typed that sentence here, and no one will ever likely type it again. IMHO, the PT showed that Lucas didn't really want to tell a Vader story anymore. So he didn't.
I'd argue with one thing Khev said in that post you quoted - the part about ending on a high note - this is highly unlikely to be the last time we see Hayden as Anakin. They will bring him back at every possible opportunity for the PT and Clone Wars fans, wouldn't even be surprised if they actually resurrected Anakin.
If Christensen/Anakin is "resurrected", then so will Mace Windu. ( Maybe he had a secret mini fold out hang glider?)
The return of Windu might be the final nail in the coffin over the "last Jedi" trope. At that point, if Windu comes back, you might as well bring them all back. I personally would like to see Kit Fisto come back. I liked Fisto a lot. He had personality.